If John Sununu started oozing vanilla extract and buttercream would you be surprised much?

So Mariah not only tells people how they should vote , eat, think, shit. She also tells us what we should find as sexy. Ariana Grande is the first chick in a long long time that will make me stop what I am doing to watch her. She is pretty, AND sexy. Maybe it as is the way she carries herself onstage or the way she dresses but for now, she is the sexiest woman I can think of and there ain't one woman I can think of that holds a candle to her
She isn't sexy to me AT ALL. She is a very pretty girl with a cunt attitude. Ever hear her list of demands? She can't be photographed or video from one entire side of her body. She demands no eye contact from underlings on set and she treats everyone like shit. Nothing sexy about that. Being pretty doesn't = being sexy. I never said you are wrong, I just disagree dude. Why you so jumpy about shit all the time?
Thanks for the advice. Those are all things that I have been planning on doing all of my life. I better get started ;)
someone is being sarcastic. Sometimes I know what to do to help myself but don't KNOW what to do if that makes sense? I get overwhelmed sometimes and get stuck. So on my fridge I have my list of things to do when I think too much or have too much shit on my mind.

Yesterday after a great day on the water I was driving the boat onto the lift and when I went to put it in reverse to stop, the gearshift went all the way down but nothing happened with the gears. I don't know if it's a lower unit issue or a linkage issue or what. It could be a $200 fix or it could be a $1500 fix. I got so stressed I couldn't do anything. So I opened a bottle of wine and sat in the pool with the dogs for an hour. It helped but I could see the boat so it didn't help enough. So I went to get frozen yogurt and realized that I had left the key turned in the ignition in my car when I rolled up the windows and the battery was dead. Everywhere I turned I was getting it. So I went to my list and drank more wine and invited 3 of my friends over for dinner. That fixed my night. Then I woke up today with a charged car battery, a hang over, a racist douche nozzle on this forum and a lingering boat issue on a day when 1500 boats will be at the sandbar where all of my friends will be, drinking and partying and grilling out with naked girls running around in the water.

But it's all good. I have you.
Sounds like you broke a shear pin. I would check that first. It is about a 2 dollar fix. If that isn't it then you may have to get an outboard mechanic to take a look at it.
If you have the engine tilted or can access the prop, disconnect the battery terminal and spark plug connector. Make sure you do that first and see if he prop spins freely. If it does it just may be that the shear pin was to the point that when you threw it in reverse that it finally went. Ever been stuck in the mud before? The shear pin is in place to break and to save you costly damage.
Your motor may have a rubber bushing instead of shear pin. Which will require removing the prop to examine. Removing the prop is fairly simple. Just make sure that spark plug connectors and battery terminals are disconnected before you do it. I am sure West Marine or some other marine parts specialists are open today. Especially in the area that you live.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Maria Molina, if I saw her walk down the street, is the gal that would make me jump the curb with my GMC murdering the crap out of an innocent grandmother and her 3 grandchildren by accident. Murder By Accident sounds like the name of a good song.

Murder... by accident
Can see Maria Molina... and smell her scent
Just jumped the curb... wish I only left a dent.
When I was questioned... I said it was... Murder... by accident.

She would get the cock. I would start spending money like a fool to get with that. AMEX would be blocking my transactions to the point that I would be calling them twice a day verifying my purchases. She would show up at Fox after a 3 day bender and her hair would be all a mess and she would be so out of it she would be wearing 2 different colored pumps. I would he peering through the glass window at FNC licking the glass and drawing love notes in espanol.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
She would get the cock. I would start spending money like a fool to get with that. AMEX would be blocking my transactions to the point that I would be calling them twice a day verifying my purchases. She would show up at Fox after a 3 day bender and her hair would be all a mess and she would be so out of it she would be wearing 2 different colored pumps. I would he peering through the glass window at FNC licking the glass and drawing love notes in espanol.

I'm a bit of a cheapo chasing after the culo but I definitely want the salsa oozing outta her taco. I'd give her pussy more abuse than Daniel Ortega does to her familia.


"I tot I tole joo joo can't do anysing right, mang!"
Although it is not my thing, I understand why some people find women fucking each other erotic. But Mariah sounds like a Marine from Camp Pendleton on a 3 day pass.