M4F: Tsundere Bully Does CPR on You! Ft.

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • M4F: Tsundere bully does CPR on you after finding you fainted! He confesses to you afterwards about how he wants to be your asmr boyfriend. Enjoy the roleplay!
    👉Watch Part 1 : • M4F: Tsundere Bully Ge...
    🎬 Full Series: • 😤❤️Enemies to Lovers
    My name is Manny, an aspiring Boyfriend ASMR artist and this is our personal [esc from reality]. A place where we can comfort ourselves, and explore our romantic sides. I plan on creating plenty of M4F audios with themes of boyfriend roleplay, male best-friend role play, and much more.
    Special Thanks to ‪@yetiextra9058‬
    ⭐Get the Full Version for $3: mannyasmr.gumr...
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    • ASMR Jealous Tsundere ...
    🎬 Tsundere Playlist:
    • 😡 Tsundere
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Комментарии • 350

  • @MannyASMR
    @MannyASMR  2 года назад +43

    👉Watch Part 1: ruclips.net/video/j_qHDAe1mNk/видео.html

  • @soupiaaa
    @soupiaaa Год назад +445

    listener: **dying**
    him: having a full on conversation with us
    listener (yk): **STILL DYING**

    • @inanimateunknown108
      @inanimateunknown108 Год назад +24

      Yeah, five minutes in and we are very dead at this point like 2 minutes are the max, from what I remember for the brain to be cut off from an oxygen supply

    • @lilikim8164
      @lilikim8164 Год назад +19

      Like sir I'm dead now

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +16


    • @gizelleplayz
      @gizelleplayz Год назад

      and the next thing u know she dead✨

    • @LisaBishop-c5v
      @LisaBishop-c5v 5 месяцев назад

      I'm literally dying of laughter bro 😂😂😂

  • @artemisdiana7153
    @artemisdiana7153 Год назад +206

    "She's not breathing, are you breathing?"
    Me: I don't know, dude.

  • @aliyanafought
    @aliyanafought Год назад +160

    The way he just casually promoted his patreon had me dying even more

  • @ObeyMeF.MCOfficial
    @ObeyMeF.MCOfficial Год назад +192

    I love how he just casually breaks the fourth wall before giving us CPR😂

  • @alisan_hamatto
    @alisan_hamatto Год назад +133

    Me: not breathing anymore
    Him: I'll give you mouth to mouth but the kissing sound will be on patreon
    Me:😒 let me die

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +25

      aww sorry lol

      @SOMSHAII Год назад +2

      I’m a kid who does not have a credit card or a online bank account and also using my dads iPad so I can never get ahold of a patroon account 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @alisan_hamatto
      @alisan_hamatto Год назад +2

      @@SOMSHAII I'm poor 🥲

      @SOMSHAII Год назад +1

      I have enough money to spare but at the same time I can’t buy it 😭😭😭

  • @danianry31
    @danianry31 2 года назад +99


  • @sab_ussin
    @sab_ussin Год назад +314


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +46

      Yee yee

    • @dolfinlovermylo17
      @dolfinlovermylo17 Год назад +21

      Ok ok ok keep calm keep calm

    • @yurikim9880
      @yurikim9880 Год назад +7

      Ikr 😭💅

    • @dolfinlovermylo17
      @dolfinlovermylo17 Год назад +8

      @pŕømīśe cat being the best duo in 1 2 3 😉

    • @Biggestenemytosocity
      @Biggestenemytosocity Год назад +4


  • @mmariammm
    @mmariammm Год назад +60

    "Shes not breathing oh my god shes not breathing, are you breathing?"

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +15

      Lmao I know I know

    • @Cheebie_108
      @Cheebie_108 Год назад +2

      That part had me laughing 😂😂

  • @shokatsu8393
    @shokatsu8393 2 года назад +167

    The collab we never knew we needed
    Edit: Guys Manny replied to me 💃💃🎉

    • @turiipipipturi
      @turiipipipturi Год назад +2

      They have collabed with each other before, it was the last female alive series on Yeti’s channel!!

    • @definitely_not_her
      @definitely_not_her Год назад +2

      ​@@turiipipipturi I watched it ! Without realizing he was the villian right?!?!😊

    • @turiipipipturi
      @turiipipipturi Год назад +2

      @@definitely_not_her I forgot majority of the series tbh 💀💀
      It’s been so long since I watched it

    • @Everchanging_m
      @Everchanging_m Год назад +2


    • @definitely_not_her
      @definitely_not_her Год назад +1

      @@turiipipipturi it's months since I watched it ! Its a little too good to forget !

  • @Serenity_Prayer
    @Serenity_Prayer Год назад +80

    That collaboration was nicely done!
    Also he got pretty flustered at the end there.😆🤭

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +9

      ahaha true! thanks again for being here samantha!

  • @rottenrose7634
    @rottenrose7634 Год назад +36

    This made me realised that Manny and Yeti have similar himbo energy just in different font

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +14

      Why do I love this comment so much lol. I guess me an yeti make a good team

  • @suaier2952
    @suaier2952 Год назад +34

    "all the mouth sounds are gonna be on patreon" 😂 dude i was pretending to be unconscious coz i was invested in this roleplay but that made me laugh.. the moment you said it, i was like, "shit, i don't have that kind of money man" 😂😂😂

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +6

      Glad I made you laugh lolol

      @SOMSHAII Год назад +1

      I have money but not in a credit card or in a online bank account😢it suffers me when I have money it buy it but I can’t 😭😭😭

  • @probablymostlikelyasleep
    @probablymostlikelyasleep Год назад +19

    “Yeah obviously all the mouth sounds are gonna have to be on Patreon but I gotta do this”
    Man I’m dead at that bro advertised his Patreon in the most nonchalant way ever 💀🔫

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +5

      Lmao it makes it more fun you know?

  • @miraclerats2989
    @miraclerats2989 Год назад +10

    I’ve fainted before. I have vasovagal syncope, so shots, bloodwork, etc. can all make me pass out. We figured it out one day when I got vaccines, suddenly fainted and slumped against my mom completely limp, and woke up looking up at the ceiling with two concerned faces looking down at me from either side. And ever since then I get the fun reclining chair and juice and crackers 😂
    Anyway, love the audio! I mean the love confession before starting CPR may have cost me a little brain damage from lack of oxygen, but the voice acting was great! Keep up the good work. We appreciate you ❤

  • @solara_cmd
    @solara_cmd Год назад +5

    OMG the little chant from swim lessons! No fire, no wire, no glass, no gas!

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +2

      Yes LOL I took swimming lessons growing up that’s where it came from 💜

  • @yesmin..r
    @yesmin..r Год назад +13

    love how bros just talking about how the lips tasted good while we was dying

  • @Its_adriiiwaaaa
    @Its_adriiiwaaaa Год назад +12

    The voices of Manny and yeti are extremely the best thing I've heard in my whole entire life! They both have cute voices!

  • @AckiWats
    @AckiWats Год назад +5

    4:53 😂 I am literally crying out in laughter 😂😂😂

  • @RoyalSimp
    @RoyalSimp Год назад +8

    I have fainted twice.
    1st: In 4th grade during lunch my friends and I were seeing who could hold their breath the longest. I went last and was able to hold my breath longer than anyone. I passed out after I stopped holding my breath. I hit my face of of the bottom of the table and busted my lip and got a gash near my eye. I ended up in the emergency room, no stiches though!
    2nd: In October 2022, I was in my grandpa's garage. We were grilling hot dogs and hamburgers. The big, main door was down, so only the small door was open. I started to feel like I needed to sit down, but I didn't say anything. I was closed my eyes, passed out, and hit my head. My grandpa carried me inside and I ended up in the emergency room. I got a cut on my head and had to get a staple.
    Haven't passed out from anything else yet!

  • @keirallie984
    @keirallie984 Год назад +42

    I'm sorry I'm late but two of my favourite asmr artist making a Collab is like heaven to me

  • @gachamochi-xm4kb
    @gachamochi-xm4kb Год назад +2

    I once fainted at work and my co-worker actually called emergency services. I don't work there anymore but me and her still keep in touch.

  • @blackcherry941
    @blackcherry941 Год назад +11

    TRUE STORY the first time I fainted
    I was at the nurses getting a blood test done for my iron check not too long ago and all of a sudden I felt light as a feather but heavy in the head my usual blood nurse Daphne noticed my facial expression and I shut my eyes and fell off the chair and landed on my face luckily my mom is a nurse so she knew what to do she lifted my head and feet with pillows from the waiting room and i barely heard anything when I fainted
    A few hours later I woke up in my bed and my neighbours son who is around my age kept an eye out while mom was shopping for self medi care supplies I felt something warm on my nose and when I touched I had a bloody nose luckily he cleaned me up while I’m in bed letting him clean me up, later on mom showed up to check up on me I felt tears of sadness I was saying sorry nonstop and she said it’s not your fault this happens when folks get their blood work done
    Thank god that I’m ok

  • @Sakirum
    @Sakirum Год назад +7

    I remember me back in the time ago where i fainted in the class my teachers thought i was fall asleep they tried too wake me up but it wasn't Working they become in panic and they called ambulance But i'm fine it's 3months ago i love your audios there so relaxing lovely greetings from southkorea❤

  • @Nobody-ishere
    @Nobody-ishere Год назад +6

    Yes, I have fainted a few times in my life, all of them because of severe asthma attacks.
    Also, it was hilarious how you casually said the kissing sounds would be on patreon

  • @nessabaebii
    @nessabaebii Год назад +25

    Yeti is that u 😳 👀
    The collaboration we never expected
    This is good!!! I love y'all ❤️ ❤

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +7

      thanks so much! collabing with Yeti was awesome!

  • @AshRoseJohnson
    @AshRoseJohnson Год назад +8

    I have fainted before, it was in kindergarten. The teacher left the room to talk to the teacher next door for a moment, and she told us to work on a worksheet we were working on. So I did, and then I feel these hands around me neck, and I hear my friend say “Hey stop that!”, and other kids getting up and trying to pry the kid away from me. He squeezed harder, and then I remember my hearing going in and out and starting to ring, and vision getting darker in the edges, it getting it harder to breathe, and then darkness. And then a few seconds later, I’m laying down on the ground with the teacher looking down at me.
    Later I find out that my bully had took the chance to choke me, and the other kids were trying to pry him off, one kid went to get the teacher, and the teacher stopped him, and called the principal. I had apparently been out for about a minute or so, but I’m fine now, so yeah.

  • @iwasonceafronttooth
    @iwasonceafronttooth Год назад +11

    Funny thing is…I found you via Yeti’s “Last Woman Alive” series I think it was and I’ve been hooked on this duo ever since

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +4

      Oh shoot yea I’m glad you saw that video! Yea I wanna keep collabing with more creators it’s super fun

  • @killua_zoldyck.__8535
    @killua_zoldyck.__8535 2 года назад +15

    I think we all are hyped😵‍💫

  • @fantasyanddr3ams
    @fantasyanddr3ams Год назад +10

    Yeti and manny ist just the perfect duo.

  • @EJT0929
    @EJT0929 Год назад +4

    I love yeti so much 😭 when I clicked on this I didn’t even see the colab and when j saw it i was all like “WAHOO”

  • @Serene_Hope03
    @Serene_Hope03 Год назад +1

    I have feinted 2 time before. this is is surreal and heart warming honestly first time i vividly remember the first time it happened it felt like my stomach was hurting i was rushed to the hospital, second time it happened i only remember hearing a loud thwack reverberate through my skull then I woke up on the tiled floor.

  • @killua_zoldyck.__8535
    @killua_zoldyck.__8535 2 года назад +27

    I can say without seeing it it will be perfection

  • @rocky_innit51
    @rocky_innit51 Год назад +7

    Yes I have fainted before, I fainted because of to much heat and stress but there was another time from overworking and not drinking or eating for a while 😅 I’m better and not many have happened lately they really just happen from stress.😊

  • @lunna443
    @lunna443 Год назад +8

    God, that voice is very satisfying, I loved it

  • @FAUXAudios-TheSmolestBean
    @FAUXAudios-TheSmolestBean 2 года назад +21

    These two amazing bois together in one audio? HECCIN YEAH

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад


  • @swaggyh0b0
    @swaggyh0b0 2 года назад +13


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  2 года назад +6

      Yeeeeeee he’s my boi

  • @eviechen6756
    @eviechen6756 Год назад +10

    I've fainted before due to eating disorders and stress😢 it's a strange feeling, for me, it's like how you stand up too fast and your vision goes black for a bit for a split second but in this case, it could happen anytime and the darkness only grows and the dizziness doesn't go away then booom you're out. it's kinda a funny feeling how you only realize you've fainted after waking up from it. 😮😮😮

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +3

      aww I'm sorry to hear:( please get the support you need Evie

  • @yesmin..r
    @yesmin..r Год назад +3


  • @saritacurtoruiz8342
    @saritacurtoruiz8342 Год назад +4

    bro be bullying us even when we are dying 💀💀
    duuude he's extremely tsundere LOL

  • @kangtrisk
    @kangtrisk Год назад +5

    Manny and Yeti……in the same video………..I’m so happy😭

  • @haghaggy
    @haghaggy Год назад +6

    him: *talking to him self*
    listener: HELP ME. HELP ME

  • @milliegoodwin2006
    @milliegoodwin2006 Год назад +2

    omg I have never fainted but one of my friends fainted before and he was standing right next to me then he went down and omg I was so scared my heart rate was through the roof

  • @Echo3172
    @Echo3172 Год назад +1

    the fact that he called us stupid made me die laughing

  • @saorise28
    @saorise28 Год назад +9

    The first time I fainted I was getting into the shower. I hit my left brow on a cabinet handle and broke my bone; got a wicked black eye. I don’t know how long I was out but I woke up in a little pool of blood and not remembering _anything_ about literally anything; no idea who or where I was or what was happening. Laid on the floor till I could get up then transferred myself into the tub so I wouldn’t have to clean more blood from the floor later. I glanced at the mirror while transferring and my eye was completely dark purple, no red or bruise development time- no this bitch was instant dark purple (or as “instant” as an undefined amount of time can be when you don’t know how long you were out for). I didn’t even know what was happening but before I lost consciousness static overtook my vision and my hearing cut out a few seconds before. I think that was the scariest- losing senses slowly but only conscious enough to notice it’s happening and not be able to do anything about it. After I woke up again I was mostly calm and numb. Now that I look back though I was definitely sitting in that tub staring into space just dazed af; something I also don’t know how long I did for. One of my friends suspects I was anemic and my parents think it was dehydration; I think it was both.

  • @kyrq0
    @kyrq0 Год назад +1

    Ive got a few fainting stories. One time was from pain, I was rollerskating with a friend at a park. I was new to it at the time, and got my back scratched up by wood really badly. Bled thru my shirt, the pain was so bad I ended up passing out within a few seconds. Maybe 5 minutes later I woke up to my friend trying to talk to me because she didnt know what had happened. Got candy, everything was all good.
    My second time I was changing out earings. Pain was moderate but I had been standing for a while so I passed out.
    Third time- this was in February- I went on a school trip. 7 hour long Choir rehearsal. Ive been in choir since my 7th grade year and nothing like this had ever happened. Our final rehearsal before performance time, the lights were too bright and hot, my breathing was off and I held my breath too long, dehydration, hunger, and boom- I was out. I never found out how long it was. Last thing I remember was losing grip of my notes and trying to grab my friends shoulder. When I woke up, I couldnt hear or feel anything for 20 minutes. My friend was in tears lmaoo she thought I died. Back and head was bruised for a week.

  • @heidycrespo8415
    @heidycrespo8415 2 года назад +15


  • @MannyASMR
    @MannyASMR  Год назад +14

    👉 Expanded VERSION: mannyasmr.gumroad.com/l/vtpdf

  • @emmalynesmith909
    @emmalynesmith909 Год назад +4

    Me: doesnt read title
    Yeti: speaks
    Me: "YETI OH MY GOD"

  • @imnotmushy
    @imnotmushy Год назад +6


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +4

      This series will continue!

  • @alexisparker2107
    @alexisparker2107 Год назад +4

    I like how they used Yeti's Pfp instead of a random anime picture.

  • @damnkaiyo
    @damnkaiyo Год назад +1

    i’ve fainted many times, it could be heat exhaustion, doing my hair (like curling it or something) but i do remember one time. i think i was in like 5th grade?? i was walking on the playground and i tripped. i scrapped my arm but i never had a fear of blood before so i thought i was going to be fine, but when i was walking to my teacher i fainted on the concrete. after that i woke up in the nurses office

  • @Reiizo0
    @Reiizo0 Год назад +2


  • @Barkstar99
    @Barkstar99 6 месяцев назад +1

    "All the sounds are going to be on Patreon"
    This guy be narrating like Deadpool. 🤣

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  6 месяцев назад

      thats my specialty

  • @Ashley-vy6ip
    @Ashley-vy6ip Год назад +4

    One time I fainted at a choir concert and fell on everyone on my way down. It was low key embarrassing. You should do a POV

    • @chs_ny_.
      @chs_ny_. Год назад


    • @kyrq0
      @kyrq0 Год назад

      Choir faints are the worsttt 😖 Remember to never lock your knees and breathe at the right times! (If youre still in choir.)

  • @emilywaters6759
    @emilywaters6759 Год назад +2

    Pretty positive you only do CPR if they dont have a pulse, but this is a great series 😂

  • @obviouslylesbigay
    @obviouslylesbigay Год назад +3

    I cannot tell you how fast i clicked when I seen Yeti and Manny ❤❤ keep up the good work guys

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +2

      Thanks so much!

    • @obviouslylesbigay
      @obviouslylesbigay Год назад

      @@MannyASMR YW, I luv both of your guys content, I hope your channels continue to grow! 💙

  • @kkshiftz
    @kkshiftz Год назад +5


  • @Nina0837
    @Nina0837 Год назад +1

    i have fainted once in my room. a day before i already hurt my knee and it was like wrapped and everything. then the next morning i stood up everything was okay until i felt kinda dizzy. it felt like falling asleep WAY WAY WAY to fast. then i woke up to my mom bursting into my room bc she heard a loud bang. my knee was bleeding again bc i fell against my closet. it felt like a fever dream. it was hella scary

  • @mxchi_gutz
    @mxchi_gutz Год назад +4

    No one:
    Manny after saving me: “Clean yourself up”

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +3

      Lmao sounds kinda rude

    • @mxchi_gutz
      @mxchi_gutz Год назад +2

      @@MannyASMR I know i was like “I almost died and this is what you say to me?” Lmao

  • @shiann5381
    @shiann5381 Год назад +8

    Basically everyone’s reaction

  • @travelingwriterDraco
    @travelingwriterDraco Год назад +1

    This was really interesting. I kinda wish my fainting experience was this gentle. I dropped like a rock and busted my face, scared the shit outta my family when it happened.

  • @heartaaches
    @heartaaches 10 месяцев назад

    The way medical side of me panicked when you said “CPR” after I pass out gave me a heart attack and a stroke.

  • @sturniolo.riddle
    @sturniolo.riddle Год назад +1

    Didnt check my phone for a few days and WOW MANNY AND YETI THIS MUST BE A DREAM

  • @saritacurtoruiz8342
    @saritacurtoruiz8342 Год назад

    13:44 dude took breaking the fourth wall to another level 💀 ✋

  • @ellianapierce5986
    @ellianapierce5986 Год назад +2


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +2

      I’m excited your excited!

  • @mmariammm
    @mmariammm Год назад +2


  • @accaa7153
    @accaa7153 Год назад +8

    The collab!!!! I can't wait for this! 🔥

  • @akariashii7705
    @akariashii7705 Год назад +5


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +1

      yes it was great to collab with him! go on his channel and let him know that you enjoyed the collab too!

  • @definitely_not_her
    @definitely_not_her Год назад +5

    Yeti is one of my favorite youtubers ❤hehe. I like this video a lottt ✨

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад +4

      Thanks so much for watching! I’m glad you enjoyed it😀

    • @definitely_not_her
      @definitely_not_her Год назад +1

      @@MannyASMR thank you for making it

  • @spiderlover2021
    @spiderlover2021 Год назад +9


  • @Charlotte26695
    @Charlotte26695 8 месяцев назад


  • @cwutecor3
    @cwutecor3 Год назад +4

    OMFG my two favourite people ❤

  • @iixkesi
    @iixkesi Год назад +2

    i faint a lot, but the most recent time was on wednesday. i was in art class and was feeling really bad, so i went to the bathroom to wash my face. on my way i was really dizzy, and when i arrived a few seconds went by and i quite literally passed out, luckily i didn't hit my head with a sink or anything like that, but i did faint for a good 10 minutes. another student found me, i don't know who she was but she called for help, once they arrived i was awake (still feeling like i was dying), i was taken to the nurse's office and i got my pressure taken, apparently i had 40/60 (i was told that was a scenario for hospitalization) and they just gave me a coke- then i kept on taking classes as if it was nothing even though i should have been taken to the hospital immediately.. 😺 (honestly, that was really irresponsible from school, they didn't even call my parents.)

    • @iixkesi
      @iixkesi Год назад +1

      (i don't know if there are any spelling mistakes or something, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry)

  • @bl00dy_pup
    @bl00dy_pup 13 дней назад

    Ever get nervous about kissing your crush when you have TO SAVE THEIR LIFE

  • @michellec.blevins1250
    @michellec.blevins1250 Год назад

    I passed out 3 times in my life 1.) low sugar, 2.) I hadn’t eaten in a week because of strep throat, 3.) at a Hospital because I was too stressed and had barely eaten in a week . Mental note: TAKE BREAKS FOR MYSELF!!!

  • @Evie-og8ep
    @Evie-og8ep Год назад +1


  • @edzlove
    @edzlove Год назад +1

    JAHAJAHAJHAJ "Oh God, she's not breathing, Are you breathing?" 😭🤣🤣😆

  • @ilikeanimeyippe
    @ilikeanimeyippe Год назад

    why is this so good 🥲

  • @mmariammm
    @mmariammm Год назад +4


  • @Zhzi-z1u
    @Zhzi-z1u Год назад +1

    I love being called stupid ngl

  • @Johny_Ngente
    @Johny_Ngente Год назад +1

    Him:complainting abt us ☠️

  • @Salems._.witchyaudios
    @Salems._.witchyaudios Год назад +1

    Idk why i thought i could listen to this rn😭
    My brother overdosed at the end of my birthday celebration week and he didn’t let me see him in the hospital so i was with my cousins and saw his friends car pulling in the hotel me and my cousins get down and see he’s slumped over so i run over to make sure he’s okay and he’s dead he overdosed again i yelled at the guy because he was letting him use after he just overdosed. He pulled out his car and i started doing chest compressions and CPR to save him. He was sweaty and his lips were blue we had to use three tubes of narcan scariest day of my life thank god i work good under pressure sorry for the vent can’t tell my therapist or I’ll go back to the mental hospital

  • @History_2155
    @History_2155 Год назад +1

    The whole time I was listening all I could think about is how he sounds like Tony from jessie

  • @Kxizna
    @Kxizna Год назад

    The only time I ever remember fainting is due to just being tired.
    All I remember is I got home from school, I went upstairs to my room and I decided to go on Rdr2, while I was waiting for my game to load I randomly felt faint and tired, and my vision then started to go black.
    Next thing I knew my mum was panicking trying to wake me up, by the time I woke up my mum bought me downstairs so she could keep an eye on me, she immediately made me drink something and told me to just try not to fall asleep again, then boom, thats it

  • @jeneranger5095
    @jeneranger5095 11 месяцев назад

    Him having a break down freaking out while the whole restaurant 👀

  • @iix_luvx
    @iix_luvx Год назад

    manny and yeti - best ones yet

  • @sepherrablack889
    @sepherrablack889 Год назад +1

    Great video part 4 please

  • @auroraflorek3647
    @auroraflorek3647 Год назад

    Very creative way for the ending I liked it alot

  • @animeismysport
    @animeismysport Год назад +1

    Him: (her lips are just so nice)
    Me: WTH man I’m literally dying and your thinking that!!,

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  11 месяцев назад

      Anime guys lol am I right?

  • @jex1699
    @jex1699 Год назад +1

    3:17 This just turned into 10 things I hate about you😂

    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  Год назад

      yea lmao he can't stop bullying

  • @Starry_ASMR
    @Starry_ASMR 2 года назад +5


    • @MannyASMR
      @MannyASMR  2 года назад +2

      Another one ☝️

  • @Kai_Thing2
    @Kai_Thing2 4 месяца назад

    "Shes not breathing, are you breathing-?"
    Idk, whay does it look like? Im just practiceing my deathhhh 💀

  • @SaraPowell-m2l
    @SaraPowell-m2l Год назад +1

    I faintied in my crushses arms in the bath room it was crazy

  • @gracekim9425
    @gracekim9425 Год назад +1

    I fainted after throwing up one day (I was weirdly sick the day before and eating didnt feel right). It was in my dad's arms and I ended up going to hospital in an ambulance. I just got fluids in and had to try eating something before I went home. But they made me wait for hours before treating me which sucked.

    • @gracekim9425
      @gracekim9425 Год назад +1

      I actually never figured out properly why I was sick the day before. Also I woke up immediately after so it wasnt that I got knocked out cold.

  • @pltsplays2923
    @pltsplays2923 7 месяцев назад

    I did faint once. It was morning and i stood up really fast from my bed and ran to the kitchen and then i ran back to my room. I felt really dizzy and couldn't see anything. I fell on the ground and hit my head. After that i just woke up and had no idea what happend. I didn't know why i had random headaches but now i realise why.

  • @subnellyyy
    @subnellyyy Год назад +4

    damn manny and yeti

  • @AHHHHH927
    @AHHHHH927 Год назад

    The fourth wall breaks had me dying irl lol

  • @Try_My_Names_Akira
    @Try_My_Names_Akira Год назад

    Us: *Dying*
    Kyo: I hate *Names of everything he hates about us 😭*

  • @jakesmansandal
    @jakesmansandal Год назад