- Jun 29, 2017
- 305
- 487
As I mentioned when I wrote this, it is not a fix for beginners of hacking saves. If you're not familiar with hacking RPGMaker saves then I would ask someone on this forum to provide you with a save before the Maria mission.I screwed up and did not finish Maria's quest before day 45. Is there a way to fix my save so I can finish it so I don't have to start the whole damn game over again?
I noticed 2 posts with advice but I did not quit follow (could not figure it out) them...
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If you want to do it here is what you do. Open up the save editor mentioned in the previous post :
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Once in there choose your save file and then check the button for decode. Make sure you leave unchecked the box under it that says "text edit". See screenshot below.

Now click submit and a new page will open which will ask if you want to download the file as text or go to the text editor. Download it as text. Once you have the text file open it up in your favorite text editor. It will be a large file with a lot of information that you can get lost in if you are inexperienced with hacking saves. You are looking for the section that contains switches. Use CTRL+F to do a find in the text editor and look for the term "switches". You should be taken to a section that looks like this:
What you will notice is none of the switches are labeled. The switches object has an object within it called "_data". This data object holds an array value which is all of the switches in your save. The switch numbers that are used by the game and you see mentioned on this forum and in the unofficial walkthrough are really the array index location. Java arrays start at index zero so on the first line where you see "switches":{"_data":[null, the null is the first index value switch zero. Each line after that is the next index. In the example above switch 1 is null, switch 2 is false, switch 3 is false, and switch 4 is true. There are a total of 2000 switches available so finding what you want can be tricky.
If you have a text editor that supports line numbers it's probably best you use that editor. You can start with the line number that you see at the top of this example and then add the switch umber you want to that value. So if the line "switches":{"_data":[null, was on line number 700 of your text file and you want to change switch 20 then add 20 to 700 and change the value on line number 720.
In this case what you need to do is change the value of switch number 500 to false.
Now you can follow this same set of steps to change variables too. After you change the switch you want to change the days passed in the game to something a few days before 45 so you have time to do the Maria mission. I would set it at 40 to be safe. Once again just use CTRL+F to find the keyword "variables". You will see it is laid out exactly the same as switches and you can follow all the advice above to make the change.
The variable you need to change is variable #3. Set it to 40 or something near there.
Once you have made these two changes save the text file. Go back to the web page for save editing and browse to your text file. Now on the main page you want to check the radio box that says encode to convert this text file back into an RPGMaker save file. Once you hit submit once again a new page will appear where you can download the newly created save file. Download the file drop it into your save location and you should be good to go.
If you can't follow this, then I highly recommend you ask someone for a save prior to doing the Maria mission or start over.
Edit: Updating the end of this for completeness. After you have made your changes and then completed the Maria mission you can then go back and edit your save file to day 45 (or back to the day you started at before the first change) and then you must turn Switch number 500 back to true. It will not get reset back to true on it's own after you missed the initial window. After you go to sleep Dad will come home.
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