Iuri Corsini
Neonatologist, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Careggi University Hospital of Florence Italy.
ID: 2297329114
22-01-2014 13:06:32
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I’ll be live on Golf Channel & Sky Sports tonight at 4:30pm ET/9:30pm UK reliving my win at The Players. I am giving away two pairs of signed shoes, personalized for the winners. Retweet for a chance to win and tune in tonight when the winners are announced. #WatchalongwithRory

Great Niccolò Parri. Children with Covid-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Italy | NEJM nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…

Our opinion on the use of Lung ultrasound in nenatology is out today in Pediatric Radiology. Niccolò Parri #lungultrasound #Pediatrics rdcu.be/b6EOz

Huge thanks to Benjamin Ficial and Iuri Corsini for their excellent guide to lung ultrasound on the NICU. Now live on our website at bit.ly/POCUSLung!

Our latest work on Neonatal echocardiography is out today. Feasibility, Reproducibility and Reference Ranges of Left Atrial Strain in Preterm and Term Neonates in the First 48 h of Life mdpi.com/1476422 #mdpidiagnostics via Diagnostics MDPI #NICU #neonatalcardiology

To B or not to B? We propose the lung ultrasound B-line quantification as a bedside approach to optimize fluid status assessment in children, particularly with renal diseases Niccolò Parri Martina Giacalone Iuri Corsini onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pp…

Our article on the role of diastolic disfunction of the left ventricle in the transient tachypnea of the newborn is out today on Pediatric Pulmonology. This the link to the paper: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pp…. Thanks to Dr Benjamim Ficial and all the other Authors for the great job.