Modded GTA 5 Sumo with a Chaos Mod was a mistake
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
We played a Sumo Mode with the Chaos Mod enabled in GTA 5. It did not go well.
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Outro Music Created by: @Mattercell Entertainment
The "Guy pulls up to you and gets out of the car and looks like this..." moment broke me. I haven't laughed so hard in a long ass time.
It's funny from Smii7y's pov but it killed me even more from Blargs.
It the most funny video I’ve seen in a long time lamo
Same here lol
Dude same, I almost forgot to breath :D
best thing ive seen all year
At this point Smii7y is throwing every possible mod into GTA that can get funny moments, respect.
When really all they need is Blarg.
True but so funny to watch
You run out of ideas eventually
The mod king will die 1 day
When Matt is on a bike he's literally chewing on The handlebar
So refreshing to hear a group laugh like this, genuine friends who are actually funny, btw the scene were it looks like he was gonna punch him as Shrek but instead came into frame spilling gasoline around him made me spit my drink out, Smii7y your hilarious so is everyone in this video, but I thank you Smii7y for making me enjoy watching people game again!
No replies?
Smii7y's thumbnails are looking more and more like a fever dream, I love it
I say this thumb nail and immediately said
Yep shrek Chasing kermit 🤣
I love you
Kermit running away on a bike from Shrek in the middle of los santos
Honestly true
Smii7y screaming as kermit will never get old
Wauw how did you see it already hahah
*kermit screaming intensifies*
you sure?
@@twanrumping164 intro sequence
2:17 this is just perfect! The bone cracking noise, the famous AEUGH sound, and the rat getting on the bike. All the ingredients for dying laughing 🤣🤣
Magic phrase: AEUGH
I officially think that the part at 3:00 is the hardest they’ve all ever laughed, especially considering one of them rolled back from their screen, and you can tell because they got more echoey.
Nah man, the warzone clip where they put the sentry on the truck is where they laughed the hardest. Smii7y was literally gagging he was laughing so hard 😂
@@whyyes5810 I don't know, the red dead clip where smi7y created a new wheeze because he couldn't get up the hill out did that.
@@uss.bigman240 someone needs to make a new Smii7y scream laughing compilation now
That would be blarg who rolled back
The rat bit is arguably the most I have EVER heard Smii7y laugh, we need more rats!
rats make me crazy
they put me in a room
a rubber room with rats
I was crazy once
they put me in a room
a rubber room
a rubber room with rats
and rats make me crazy
I was crazy once
They put me in a room
A rubber room
A rubber room with rats
And rats make me crazy
His laughter is killing me
Best of 100k, he laughs for a solid 3 minutes
Oh, this is NOT the hardest laugh Smii7y has did. The video was a warzone video, where they put a sentry on a truck and it went south.
And when Smii7y laughed, OH HE LAUGHED, he was basically gagging
4:16 "I think im gonna go vomit" I GET A FUCKING AD BREAK WHEN YOU SAID IT
What raw joy. The palpable emotion heard in his laughter at the rat car death… that’s too funny.
I wanna see a modded free roam session, I love seeing these guys muck about
Imagine he goes his whole life, and whenever somebody asks what really made him laugh and was some of the funniest he's ever witnessed, he's gonna say: "Oh yeah, that time we turned into rats and rode bike and jumped out of cars, dying". Wow... a masterpiece.
"You just had to be there"
It belongs in a museum
@@gameboy3d943 td
@@ivanagustinortiz5237 trt
@@ivanagustinortiz5237 trtd
Honestly this is the first thing to make me genuinely laugh in months. Thank you Smitty.
The intro proves that *Smitty is an omnipotent being and that he is always watching, even on the darkest of nights.*
How tf
Is this supposed to be funny like what?
@@zalbert_zest It's atleast funnier than your life
@@zalbert_zest i think it means what it means, why should you even question it
@@zalbert_zest goofy ass name for a goofy ass comementor
you know Smii7y is dying of laughter when he's practically wheezing and coughing
And croaking. I thought he was going to actually keel over, the noises he was making 🤣
3:00 I literally peed my freaking pants LMAO
@@ibeatittosatisfyingthings tf
I think Smii7y has taught us a lesson:
1. Have as much filler as possible
2. Chaos means views at the cost of the groups' sanity.
AAAAND matt crashing is an inevitability.
@@Astro-ls1zq yes. Very much so.
I bet that a modded gta video but only with the gang in free roam mode would be a massive hit. I swear, that clip of Smii7y leaving the car as a rat and dying gave me abs! I need more of that kind of beautiful nonsense.
automatic braking system
3:00 I was not expecting the rat dying from the fall to be that funny. I was laughing so hard, I felt like my head was gonna explode. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Rats learning to ride bikes and drive cars sounds like a really bad Twilight Zone episode
Or it's just like an alternate universe for Rick and Morty
Bro, I can’t stop laughing at that, it’s truly perfect
there is a chapter of that in love death and robots XD short off...
3:15 I can’t wait to see the animation is this absolutely chaotic moment😂😂
Dude at 3:01 I laughed so hard because on Smii7y's laugh. We need more modded free roam god damn
3:00 This is probably the hardest Smii7ys laughed since that Warzone clip with the truck and sentry gun.
That was the hardest I've ever laughed in such a long time, that rat clip is just too good!
blarg also did it, that makes it so much funnier 😂
When I saw that clip, I laughed really, really hard
15:26 "I don't have back tires!"
It felt perfectly natural to see Patrick Star flying through air yelling "I don't have ANY tires!"
Lol I swear that was a real Spongebob moment
8:25 my mother watches baseball. Can confirm that this happens
After playing what feels like 100+ hours of Star Wars: Skywalker Saga, I can confidently say that's not an A-Wing. 10:41
Yeah, that’s definitely an Eta-Class Jedi Starfighter
Later he calls the V-wing something from star fox
I'm glad I didn't have to comment that ngl.
Yes indeed that is a Jedi star fighter
@@kolbyadams9979 that’s not a v-wing it’s a u-wing close
3:21 Smiity laughed so hard he sounded like jiggly
I love watching vids from all of your crew, but you and Wildcat are flat-out the funniest ones of the bunch. I love these GTA5 vids!
PS: I always crack up when Blarg goes riding by on his bike, going "Hey, fellers!" I don't know why but that always kills me! Also, why do they call it the "Safe Zone" when it's obviously not safe?
If you played modded free-roam for an hour, I would watch every second. Its arguably better than races
Right id love a full video with just free roam
Technically, that wasn't an A-Wing.
That was an Eta-2 Jedi Interceptor.
was hoping I wasn't the only one with a "um, actually..." moment
Waiting for this
Was bout to say hol'up that's not an A-wing
I literally searched the comments after that to see if anyone else noticed lol
I was going to say that.
SMitty and the bois somehow ALWAYS manage to break any game they play somehow and I love it for some unknown reason
3:05 damn, ratattouille really got rich from being a chef
I wanna see a modded free roam session, I love seeing these guys muck about
69 babyyyy
Every time you play a chaos mode game.I always feel like you are a rage.Gamer, it's so funny.Thank you, forgive me.This type of fun.I appreciate you very much
Rat jumping out of the car was the most funniest thing I’ve seen in a while on youtube
You know smii7y is laughing hard when he says “I’m going to throw up” 😂
@@sassy1227 3:25
As a Star Wars fan, hearing smii7y call a Jedi starfighter an A-wing and thinking the V-wing is from starfox really hurts lmao
Not to mention him saying the U-wing was from Metroid Prime. Which hurts even more because it is my favorite ship
I mean, A wing did take inspo from the ETA-2 Actis Starfighter
Is it a Starfighter or an Interceptor? I thought the models from Revenge of the Sith were Interceptors but I could be wrong
@@bungerroyale112 The Triangle Jedi ships are more interceptors.
The ETA-2 Actis Starfighter is a Starfighter
My source is from an officially licensed origami book I had like, 10 years ago
I feel like SMii7Y asks Nogla "How much more can we fuck shit up for more chaos" and comes up with these glorious videos
16:22 is probably the most funniest part ever when blarg was spinnin around on the bike 🤭😂💀💀😅
already on it my friend
Incorrect. 2:56 is the greatest thing I've seen on Smi77y's channel.
5:52 got an ad right as Shrek reared up a fist and was leaping for the punch, it froze on the Shrek frame for a few seconds lmfao.
Bro this new Ratatouille movie Is fire LOL 2:29
Hearing Smi77y call the Jedi Eta Class Starfighter an A Wing hurt me
Ikr, legit just started scrolling through the comments like 'someone's defo pointed that out' 🤣
It hurt bad
I had the exact same thought
@@thelonewolf7835 same
I love you so much Smii7y, you never fail to bring a wonderful sense of humor with your group. Absolutely amazing every single time
I think we can all agree that SMii7y struck gold when he came up with chaos races
I love that at 7:50 in the background you see an explosion that causes Patrick to pass out and shrek to fly out of view behind a choper XD
6:47 the comedic timing of this bit is perfection😭😭
I really shouldnt watch these at the office, its really hard to not burst out in laughter myself, Smii7y's laughter is so infectious.
Smi77y’s laugh when using mods is the best
15:09 hearing smii7y mention metroid prime puts such a big smile on my face
Same bro
19:38 the complete Blarg experience
13:28 Just too damn funny.
IAN HERE!!! 3:00 That rat clip never gets old!!!
Smii7y playing gta (at all) is always scuffed and i love him and the screaming kermit
8:12 The return of the swinger for the la Lakers
I love this vid already + what is that laugh? 😂 3:02
8:43 that "ahh" had me die laughing bro 😂
2:56 had me dying 😂😂😂 !!
We all saw it from Blarg's and Puffer's perspective, now we get it to see it from SMii7Y's
And it's magnificent every time
20:17 That would be a V-Wing, it was a starfighter used during the Clone Wars towards the end of the conflict. It replaced the V-19 Torrent as a mainline fighter craft. It wasn’t shown in the movies though, just the ARC-170, and I can’t remember if it appeared in the Clone Wars animated series either. I do recall it having a couple appearances in the Bad Batch.
It was shown in Revenge of the Sith. During the scene were Anakin/Vader is being transported to the medical facility on Coruscant, the shuttle is being escorted by V-Wings. Also appeared in the background during the space battle above Coruscant, and also in the hangar of a Venator when Kenobi is briefing the 212th.
It was in the original battlefront 2
@@SirGalahad_ Ah sweet, yeah I couldn’t remember that detail, it’s been a while since I’ve watched the movie :)
@@mercwiththemouthsnewphone6798 It was indeed, but I figured that wouldn’t really be relevant. It was also the bomber craft in that game which I feel the ARC-170 would’ve been better for frankly
Im pretty sure it was in the movies but i think the torrent and headhunter were only in the two clone wars shows
I'm genuinely concerned that one day smii7y will end up doing himself a mischief purely from laughing so hard 😅
7:31 Literally a helicopter crashing into a building
Me: God this is funny
19:30 Tony Hawk sound just shows the detail in the edits
Another clip of Smiity laughing as hard as possible, to add to the collection
Come back every month or two just to rewatch the rat bit, still one of the funniest things I've seen on youtube
yo king kong v godzilla lookin really realistic 7:55
The kermit scream at 14:01 🤣🤣🤣
Almost 2 years later and im back for this classic. 😂😂😂
6:42 I didn’t know Kermit was a chain smoker. Smoking through his fkn stoma.
SMii7Y: "And I hope you enjoy the actual Sumo Part of the Video!"
*Shows another 5 minutes of non-Sumo content*
I ain't complaining tho.
6:50... The slowly moving into the screen view got me laughing hard.
That rat clip was unbelievably funny from Matt's perspective in his vid
10:30, did this man just call a jedi starfighter an A-Wing???
Holy shit the rat clips had me literally crying laughing. 100% felt that "I'm gonna throw up". It's like 1:30am right now and that's the hardest I've laughed at anything in years.
2:55... I had to hit my inhaler
Smii7Y: "Oh my god I got an A-Wing"
*Sighs in disappointment.*
Its a jedi interceptor
Ikr dont forget he says the other ship is from star fox which it isnt
@@supremecommander4311 well, he at first said it was star wars, but blarg said it was star fox, and then he agreed
@@samkramer7477 this thus makes them both stoopid this is the rule "if what you say isnt stoopid but then your boi says something else that is stoopid and you agree with him then you too are stoopid" basic unspoken men rules no one is save from this
*Sad jedi fighter noises*
“Do you know how happy I would be If I got mugged by a frog and Shrek?”
-Puffer 2023 5:54
Also i never thought I would see Kermit the frog, Shrek, Patrick and Donkey kong in a blimp(it had me dying I almost choked on my food) 8:40
It’s amazing how Smii7y is Canadian and would make a better American than most of us
Bro Smii7y and his crew are one of the few content creators that actually get me to laugh to the point where I’m in tears
13:34 is the most random and funniest timing i seen in a GTA clip 😂😂😂😂 I don’t even like GTA but watching the mods makes it so much better
No animals were harmed in the making of this video
For those wondering on the Star Wars ships:
10:42 That's an Eta-2 Class Jedi Interceptor, not an A-wing
20:12 and that's a Republic era Alpha-3 Nimbus V-wing Starfighter in landing configuration.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed
@traceurs619 cringe
1:02 angry face on Baby Mario
1:18 "I'm a bird! I can do bird stuff!" and rat
9:02 Nogla doesn't explain
It seems like any GTA mod is a mistake. And i'm all here for it.
2:57 till this day, do you still think this is the most funniest moment in your entire life?
SMI7Y YES i love you smi7y youve given me smiles and laughs whenever i felt really depressed and i thank you for that. You and your group and some of the funniest youtubers ive ever watched
6:47 has me in tears 😂😂
I love SMii7y
Have been watching him for 2 years now
Should get soup mcnasty in this modded gta session🤣🤣🤣 be even funnier
The moment of being a rat exiting the car is my favorite moment because it's the most unexpected death and is very comical as if someone just threw away a dead rat.
the rat clip has GOTTA be the first time i ever hear matt WHEEZE laugh in forever. i love these types of videos.
the rat clip is the hardest Smii7y laughed since he saw that picture of him photoshopped by Kryoz in that one CAH Video
7:28 that "wtf" came from the soul
6:43 this scene literally made me laugh out loud. MY DAD IS IN A BUISNESS CALL RN SO STOP MAKING ME LAUGH!😂
06:59 was my favourite moment
I laughed so hard at the rat that it hurt.
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have been watching funny videos within days of surgery.
3:01 I was literally laughing so hard at that clip😂😂😂😂
16:35 maybe the 2nd funniest clip on smii7y's channel
2:56 this is the funniest part out of all the video
Change my mind.
2:57 "Guy pulls up to you and gets out of the car and looks like this..." *DED*
The squeak makes it even funnier
The stars have alligned..
Get ready for a celebration of war!
The Rrrrradaaaahn FESTIVAL!!
6:53 "doesnt punch me in the face again" im crying
Mexican version of Batman TacoMan 17:45