Wolf RPG - Completed - Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy [v2.0.0 + DLC] [Inusuku]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    well where to start, the characters in the game are all hot and you really want to fuck them all, esepcialy the sister wich is the central part of the game, the interaction mode inside the house has many options and outcomes all having a really hot and horny result that will melt all your braincells and give you that sweet dopamines. You can play this game all day long and fap with all day long to, ¡Thats a characteristic of really good 18+ games!, this game also has other modes and the dlc is a perfect ending to a delicious and really good piece of media, trully my favourite h game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    there is no other games that will reaches the levels of monochrome! to this day I am waiting for a game thats similar to this, but there is no other game. Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy is peak.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, if i can put it into one word it's "wholesomely erotic".

    Great story that makes you work hard achieving something is a secret spice for every daily life game need.

    The only grapes I have is that if you want to go beyond second-base, YOU have to be the one intitating it. Honestly I wish while raising her libido enough will triger reverse rape scene on her brother.

    I mean, come on. If you are to be put in situation where you play the responsible one, you play as one. Now really understand how salary man spent their day, work hard, return spent, want to cuddle for the bad day, and sleep, rinse repeat.
    There no time for flirting! For god sake there's an aphrodisiac tea in the shelve, just use that on me! Go bold with aggressive teasing that's what makes siblings tag endearing

    You can keep the title Gentlemen Brother, but the most tame one to achieve being desired by her is Voyeurism and Panties Hunter.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't even bother with the lewd contents too much - It's by far the best fantasy world life sim RPG I've ever played(including non-erotic games).
    It gives a really genuine vibe of living with someone you love and trust(yea yea, as such a loser I know I have no chance to experience it irl, no need to remind me about it :mad:)

    Oh and there is even a brief reference to FLCL???? Then 20 out of 5 no need to elaborate :p
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands-down the best cohabitation simulator of all time. One of the best H-games of all time, overall. A ludicrous amount of content, incredible art, and a high degree of interactivity. The sister has many different responses to different things based on trust, sexual interest, and lust, which makes her feel more "real" than most characters in these kinds of games.

    You really need to build your relationship over time through daily interactions, so you get a great sense of progression from "just normal siblings" to "fucking like rabbits". Some might say it's grindy, but in my opinion it's a perfectly paced slow burn. Easy 5/5.

    The only criticisms I have are that not all of the scenes and CGs are present in the memory album, and that there isn't a ton of H-content with the other girls (although that second one is understandable, the title makes it very clear that they aren't the focus of the game)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, very entertaining and with many good modifications.

    I highly recommend playing with the fox mod but without the Daseson color mod since that one is unfinished and the creator doesn't bother working on it, but she doesn't leave the way clear for someone else to finish it, she just likes to be flattered and never seriously works on finishing it
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    I played this game for 2 years ago, since the game isn't release on Steam and has DLC yet, it's a cool game and happy game ever, even it's hentai but make me smile about story (somehow play this game I feel hope for humanity and horny too ‍♂)
    -This is vanila game so story is perfect (for me at least)
    -This game can mod so make you feel enjoyable
    -Many feature to tease & sex your sister (in DLC you can tease with another girl too) ^^

    -The game has loop, so it similar like Karryns Prison, you'll get boring soon after finish ngl
    -Battle system like gambling, you need timing so can get powerful strike
    -Sometime your sister has random mood and interesting, depend on her stats so you need to guess what she like and how to make her fun, make her feel want to sex with you...

    SUM: 5/5 .
    I bought Steam version for last 2023 to support the dev that they're still continue develop the game, impressive!!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5, no doubt. Imouto Seikatsu Fantasy is the best eroge I've played. The interactions between them are great, but combat is a difficult if you don't have experience playing. It's actually a bit sad when I finished the DLC, I want to see more about their story.

    I'm looking forward to imouto and onii-chan's next story, hope it won't be too long of a wait.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm surprised I haven't posted a review yet, anyway not my opnion just a fact.
    Game's 10/10 I recommend everyone to give it a try if you
    Quote: don't have a cute imouto to headpat, guildmates to... bond with and the will to go on a adventure to touch grass with your imouto ;3
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    "Monochrome Fantasy," a tome most exquisite, doth enchant the senses with its sublime prose and beguiling narrative. The scribe, with deft quill and boundless imagination, hath wrought a realm both compelling and immersive. Its characters, like tapestries finely woven, embark on intricate journeys that echo in the hearts of readers. The eloquence and depth of this wondrous work doth stand as a beacon in the firmament of contemporary literature. Moreover, "Monochrome Fantasy" hath shattered records of sale, a testament to its widespread acclaim and the profound impression it hath left upon its audience. Verily, this art doth bespeak the power of masterful storytelling and is destined to be enshrined amongst the classics.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one og the best cohabitation games out there, I don't know what this game did to my brain but now every game I see similar to this I can't help but compare it to this masterpiece. Praying for Inusuku to be healthy and have a good pace while working on his next game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It doesn't get better than this, seamless unison of gameplay and ero as you live your daily life with your sister and level up your RPG stats with your guild mates, the game is extremely comfy, extremely hot and engaging, there's very little to say about it, if you're a fan of H-games, this game is MANDATORY
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, fun all around though it can sometimes feel a bit grindy at times trying to progress through the story. Art is great and honestly the monochrome color scheme is a unique way to present the game. Really looking forwards to the dlc for the other girls hopefully releasing in the next year or so.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's hard to give this game anything but a 5/5. It's a lovely game with a beautiful art style and a LOT of h-content. The added RPG element, which is kept simple, integrates pretty well into the game loop. The progression is executed very well and your sister acts fittingly based on her stats.

    Though, I do want to bring up some criticism since the game is not perfect. The beginning, for example, is very grindy and slow. On the other hand, it does succeed at making the relationship with your sister feel earned and genuine.

    The next issue is probably the difficulty. It's very easy to lose (bad ending) if you're not paying attention, so make sure you save regularly and reload if needed. To win, you can't neglect the RPG part of the game and properly train your guild. And I think this was somewhat excessive for a porn game.

    My final criticism is a bunch of smaller details such as the structure of the in-game menu inside your home. It's not really intuitive and you'll have to fiddle around until you realize what each option does. Likewise, the upgrades that you can "unlock" are often kind of useless or silly and don't fit the rest of the game.

    But overall, I still think this game really is excellent.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing monochrome, I wanted another game like it, then he released this master piece, followed it from the start to the finish and the dlc. Glad to say, I'm still looking for games like this because how peak this is.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I also bought the game long ago since it released, Now I downloaded from here to for playing the modded version. It's very fun, thank you so much. Now Inusuku released the DLC version and I bought it. I actually want to see the modded version playing with DLC, please make it, if possible but if not posssible I understand. THANKS
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy is honestly one of the best "touch" games I think I've ever play. Considering the first time that I ever played a turn-based RPG was an ero-game, that aspect of this was really actually fun. Having to balance training and your sister's relationship can be stressful at times but that just makes it feel all the more real. I found myself going to sleep wanting to play more every single day.

    Sister - She is what you make her, She will always love you but it is up to you how much. I love that aspect of this game.

    RPG - Surprisingly in-depth, I quite like the story and ending (plus the hot springs) and cant wait to see it expanded on.

    This is my first ever review so I apologize if it may not check all the boxes but this game was worth it and if I had the money to spend on something like this I would've happily bought it instead.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a good story
    Grindind isnt that boring
    Artstyle its amazing
    Combat its kind cool
    Sister its a beuty
    Could have more scenes out of the house
    When dlc comes out will be 10/10

    Ps Start building trust, after 150 balance trust and lust
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is great. You can say it's a slow roast, you have to build your relationship with your sister and it might be a little frustrating at the beginning. Non H part of the game can be quite the grindfest, though. Each day you can take 1 quest and that will usually raise your stats, in my experience the bests one no doubts would be the subjugation quests.

    There's multiple endings and a NG+ for some replayability. My only real complain is that you can have sex with any of the other characters.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty based.

    I've played the original release that was up for DL before the steam release. Recently bought the steam release to show my support to the dev.

    The story goes like this: You're an older brother living in the country side with your little sister. Your dad walked out on you going on some sort of adventure and telling you to take care of her because she's always been chronically ill (as the game implies). Whilst doing so, you actively build up your guild's reputation and take on quests - molding yourself into a capable adventurer.

    The gameplay cycle is pretty fun. If you like to see numbers going up and such, then it's definitely stimulating. The grind can get pretty tiring though. Your initial playthrough is always the roughest, since you don't know where to go and what to do to increase stats. You want to increase your stats as much as possible, since the game rewards you with extra money, events, and skillpoints to "have fun" with your sister. Honestly, you can go most of the game without ever doing anything to her and even have it happen semi-naturally. The most important part of every playthrough is the prologue where they ask you questions about what kind of brother you want to be. This sets your stats for the start of the game and even gives you stat-bonuses for raising some of them. If you want to get a semi-easy mode, my recommendation is to raise the sister's affection + sexual interest. This will allow you to regularly have sex with her and if you end up getting her pregnant it's an automatic good end/game over, but you can immediately start new game +.

    The art is wonderful and expressive. It's why I never minded replaying the game and grinding for new events and such. If a game that's entirely monochrome can get me to spend hours on it, then I'd say that's a testament to how much style it has. I will say that the new font they use for the Steam release was very questionable. It can be pretty hard to read/understand, but your eyes will eventually acclimate to it. The H-scenes you have are especially pretty/detailed. It looks like scenes ripped straight out of some classic doujins.

    4/5 - Solid game bogged down by pretty lengthy grinding that can get dull after your nth playthrough. Wish there were more options on clothes/H-scenes, but the amount of content here for what I wrote off as another HRPGM clone is pretty astounding. It's also one of the rare wholesome games on the site (at least compared to a lot of recent stuff released lmao)