Dirty Dancing wedding dance choreography - Time of my life I Pierwszy taniec - Aneta i Patryk Rejmer
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Patrick Swayze is back? Sami oceńcie :)
Przed Wami Aneta i Patryk w swoim "drugim" pierwszym tańcu, jako niespodzianka dla gości weselnych. Na co dzień tancerze oraz instruktorzy. W tym dniu znaleźli się po drugiej stronie, chcąc odwzorować tę kultową scenę razem z gośćmi.
Masz podobny pomysł na wesele? Chcesz aby to był Twój pierwszy taniec? Zapraszamy do kontaktu:
@ST Rejdance I 791061073
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Wideo: GetMarried
Sala: Przystań Zbójna Góra
Wow they really studied Dirty Dancing that was amazing. Best wedding dance I've ever seen. Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey would be proud of them.
No wedding dance of this song is done better than this couple. So beautiful and happy!
Thanks a lot !
she's cheating though for the lift. She's using his shoulders for support but oh well I suppose it was still a good effort :)
And this is what happens when professional dancers get married……and invite their pro dancer friends to their wedding. I absolutely loved this and I know the wedding attendees did too. Great job!
They maybe professional dancers but not necessarily cause some ppl will go to a wedding choreographer and spend lots of money on it as well but idk
These people were Professionals?? I have my doubts! Patrick Swayze were an absolute Professionell! He , and his wife were on the most known Dance Academy ever! Have you seen one time seen him dancing with his wife?? Stunning! I really had to say that it was for a wedding much more Training with a real Professional and not to copy an amazing part of this emotional movie! The dance, if you observe,we’re not gone in one line! From her not, from the guy the same! It is really sad for them! It was a good experience for them All! I am very sorry for texting, not good! But my expressions are not, to criticize, it is simply,what I saw! Sorry!😭😭❤️🔥
I'm not so sure they're pros. But they did a pro dance. It was heartwarming. 💕
Ever thought they could have practices their asses off ffs
Muito lindo mesmoooo
Just watching this 2024!! Soo wonderful! And I was in love crazy in love with Patrick!! Thank you two! I can't imagine the hours you practiced!! Wow! It was worth it I will tell you! Thank you I love that scene in the movie too! Thank you for honoring Patrick ! He does live on and boy could he dance! So handsome gorgeous athletic!! Thanks for recreating him!
He frikin nailed the Swayze moves to perfection!!
The BEST wedding dance ive seen of this song. Those guys can dance by the looks of it. Perfectly executed, timing wise, style wise and with love and passion. Simply fabulous
Bcbg e non ho mai avuto un problema
Bcbg e
Ncff a casa e non ho mai avuto
Jffff a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho
Suas palavras são as minhas.Parabens
I loved this even more then the movie, because this love is real, not acting. Very well done everyone, this was awesome, and the lift was perfect!
im not that guy i give little emotions overall but you made my day. i've never seen that amount of energy so respect!-
Absolutely beautiful beyond words
Also, ich habe mir jetzt jede Menge Hochzeitsvideos mit diesem Tanz angesehen. Für mich ist dieser eindeutig der Beste.
I cried the whole time watching this. How beautiful! The passion they both had while dancing was immaculate. I wish I was there in person. Such a beautiful couple. Congratulations. I hope you two stay together for the rest of your lives! 💕
Thank you!!! ❤️
I cried too!
@@jeffschaaf8976 ❤️
Wow, they nailed it with the timing, the perfect dancing and clothes. Loved this.
OUTSTANDING❗Best Wedding Dance I have ever seen. Didn't miss a heart beat.
Hello how are you doing?
Actually, the lift was not the same. She puts her arms down to support herself on his shoulders. Was awesome job. But lift not equal. Degree of difficulty much harder on the actor’s in the movie for the lift.
Thank you for positive vibe,i wish you well,cant stop watching🎉❤
As a reviewer that this one song has brought so many people together and to get large groups to start dancing . That Patrick was the magician of dance to take on so many things with Jennifer in the choreography . To see this couple has shown so many that this has great power and the attraction it brings to the dance floor . Dirty Dancing was the dancing that was not allowed this one movie showed there is much more so many others have done this great couple a magnificent performance .
That was really nicely done! Her dress was very close to the one Jennifer Grey wore in the final scene of "Dirty Dancing." This couple can DANCE!!!
Except Jennifer gray had the decency to cover her ass!
By far the best I've seen and saw many.
@@lindacampbell8763 jvvbbl
To jest tak wspaniałe, energetyczne i przepełnione miłością, że niemal lepsze niż oryginał. Wielu tancerzy próbowało odtworzyć tę kultową choreografię, ale Wam Kochani to się naprawdę udało!!!
Bardzo dziękujemy! Był to prezent dla rodziców i gości.
Staraliśmy się odwzorować film tak, żeby poczuli się jak na planie Dirty Dancing ! :) ❤️💃🕺
Sure they are professionals need i say anymore
@@studiotancarejdance2044 non sa ballare fa la zoccola che
@@studiotancarejdance2044 non sa ballare fa la zoccola
No pięknie.Zatańczyli po mistrzowsku,aż się wzruszyłam.Coś pięknego.
dziękujemy! :)
@@anetakosmalska6443cudownie ,łzy w oczach ,ciary i uśmiech mam na twarzy 😊buziaki dla was
That has to be the only one that even came so close to that dance with Jennifer and patrick. Great job. Really. Beautifil.
It's wonderful that Patrick dancing still lives on. He's dancing in heaven
Was ein traumhafter Hochzeitstanz.....auch sehr schön mit den Beitänzern....hach....was ein süsses Paar🥰🥰
Danke, Thank You 💕! Maybe would you like to see it in your country? :)
So perfectly done and with smiles, gave me chills
Yes... chills indeed... The dude's locked-in psycho smile is chilling indeed...
I didn't stop smiling through the whole dance. Awesome job....
A lot of people say that!
Thanks a lot ! :)
I'm still smiling
@@YourTreasuredTravels meee tooo ❤️😁
That was AMAZING!!!
Me too I loved it !
najlepszy taniec weselny po prostu fantastycznie
Wzruszyłam się, kocham ten film, mialam 15 lat jak obejrzałam go z przyjaciółką w kinie, ten taniec wykonaliście przepięknie ❤😊
Wow! They are so close to Patrick and Jenifer's style.
That was freaking awesome!!! The absolute BEST wedding dance I have ever seen!!! 🥰❤️🙏🏻🤩👏👏👏👏👏
True! The best so far !!!
This was so perfect. It made my whole day. I'm so happy for them lol. I'm all teary-eyed. They did so good!!
Absolutely Awesome!
They CLEARLY have a gift of dancing because the average person wouldn't look that AWESOME..
Y’all nailed it. It’s my favorite movie.
Absolutely beautiful! They had every step down to the last detail. Beautiful young group of people. Gave me chills. 👏👏👏
A lot of training was not wasted 💘💃🕺
Amazing…spot on with the movie! Beautiful to watch! Congratulations! Hugs from Toronto. 🌺🥰🇨🇦
@@dianepelley7765 Thank you!
Maybe we can make this show in your country?! :)
@@dianepelley7765 there is opportunity that we will be in Toronto next year. Would you like to see us? :)
@@studiotancarejdance2044 where in Toronto will you be performing and what dates?
I've seen this dance done by many couples,but this one is by far THE BEST!!!
Thank You 💕! Maybe would you like to see it in your country if you like it so much ? :)
@@studiotancarejdance2044 That would be fantastic!
Wiernie odtworzony każdy szczegół oryginału....szapo ba . ..podziw...🤩❤️💃...pięknie . ..dziękuję
Sporo trenowaliśmy aby tak to wyszło.
Super że się podoba :)
@@studiotancarejdance2044 h.o
Jennifer Grey nie świeciła bielizną na swoim weselu...
@@magdakrawczyk3522 nie wiem...nie byłam...nie mogę ani potwierdzić ani zaprzeczyć
Fascinante que hermoso ambos increíbles 💛
God bless them! Thank you!!!
Completely the movie version. This was superb. Thank you and God bless them and the back up dancers. They were on point.
Obviously these 2 have some background dancing experience. It was phenomenal
Yes, we are dancers :)
Wow those two are professionals you can see by the moves, no way "normal" people can learn to move like that,still is the best performans i see after original,can t say who is better, bouth of them are amaizing, the girl in beginning dance that couple of spin and intusiasam are incredible,i can watch this all day long
Omg i gonna learn this dance for my birthday, you are my perfect example 👀👀
OMGGGGG!! HE DID THE LIFT!! Sooooo awesome! This is the number one video I have seen so far!!! BRAVO!!!
Awesome!!!! Patrick Swayze would be proud ! Congratulations Y’all ! A pleasure to watch!
woow the best Weddingdance forver 😍🥰✌️😘😘😘💪👍👍👍
Thanks a lot!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whahouuuuuuuuuuu magnifique , vous me faites pleurer d' émotion ♥♥♥ Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde ♥ Kisses from France
Merci! :)
Maybe would you like to see it in your country? :)
We are looking for someone/ some company wants to have our show on special event - we are ready to dance everywhere :)
En RUclips hace falta un botón Me Encanta, el Me Gusta se queda corto... Precioso todo y con mucho cariño me encantó... de las mejores que he visto. Muchas Felicidades!!! ❤️❤️
This was awesome 🩷💙🙌
A modern day Johnny and Babe story, that was amazing and a real pleasure watching.
Congratulations on your wedding .
Thanks a lot!
We really try to do this like in a movie :)
Absolutely beautiful, my favorite dance preformed extremely wonderful! ❤️
Jak profesjonaliści .Brawo !
Bardzo nam miło to słyszeć.
Opłacało się tańczyć "parę lat" :)
"parę lat"... ha ha ha 🤣😀🤭
Myślę, że "parę" więcej 🤔
Moim zdaniem Chapeau bas 🎩👌👍
Więcej Was 😍🤗💖👏
Myślę,że PatrykowiS też by się podobała ta para. Był takim wspaniałym człowiekiem.
Trrfdtfxfryhygduyd. Gxxhfghcgfjeh j. Irurgr
Tehyd uhyhhuchfedhhi if 4ugv guv1g jj irgei
Hfu jury ruutigyguyeyzyzgtuvthzx xuufutyh1dhgivfiuf x.
Now that was absolutely wonderful, You both Nailed it , So so beautiful, my husband and I not only love that song we also dance to it to ❤️😊
I love this. I am about to get married and searching for this song and saw this choreography. The couple executed the dance so well!
Good luck :)
Simply said - - you two NAILED IT!!!! From beginning til end!!! You didn't miss a beat. I'm just - in awe........
wow and wow. They all danced beautifully. Such chemistry with the bride and groom. Well done!!!
This is the best I have seen aside from the movie. Superb.
That was some good dancing
I have seen many, many versions of this dance and you two outshine all others by a long shot! Beautiful bride. Handsome husband. What more could you ask for? Here's to a long and happy marriage. 🥂
Thanks a lot for this words!
Maybe would you like to see it in your country? :)
We are looking for someone/ some company wants to have our show on special event - we are ready to dance everywhere :)
Absolute beauty... the guy nailed it... congratulations
@@studiotancarejdance2044 Are you professional dancers ? amazing
sorry stupid question
That’s nice dirty dancing for the wedding dance great dancing people👍🥰
genialnie...Patrick Swayze by się ucieszył widząc ten taniec....
Dziękujemy bardzo!
Też mamy taką nadzieję
CHAPEAU BAS, les jeunes !!!! G E N I A L !!! Magnifique !!!
This is the only wedding dance I've ever seen from a couple that wasn't crigneworthy. Well done. This is hard to Do. HAHA
The most beautiful wedding choreography. Love it
Thanks a lot!
One of my favorites and I really thought about this one playing at my funeral. Lol I've had the time of my life!! ❤️🐦
Super. Samych radości i wspaniałości na każdy dzień wspólnego życia 🕊️🕊️💙💙❤️❤️
Dziękujemy bardzo ! Mamy nadzieje, że przyjemnie się oglądało :)
Amazing! We will always remember Patrick Swayze 👍
Absolutnie fenomenalnie odtworzony oryginalny taniec z Dirty Dancing! Twarz śmiała mi się przez cały film! 🙈🥰
Rhsjkskkskwk. VhyukjsikZs. Yhiwkwkksksmiwmiwm hj iwhsismskislshdoshskhkskhwoklsjoshoshelshwohwjowksjkwksmkeibbvZisksiwosjosmsueihdhsosnhsshsssohokikidmdsoskklmejoskkslskpksoslsuolsusoksislisksZoskduoskolsyu😮ks i'm skslmsosmkslmslskhsmyslsludzSdkusk😮
Patrik jest z Was dumny i jak ogląda to napewno się uśmiecha. Rewelacja
What a beautiful wedding dance to choose. It was a pleasure to watch and I great gift to give to those at the reception. I wish you both a lifetime of love with each other.
Oby wspólne zycie przeszło wam tanecznym krokiem.Duzo miłości życze.
Tak planujemy! Dziękujemy :)
one of the best I have seen so far congrats to the couple
That was absolutely fantastic, the best ever. Wow I love you guys🇬🇧❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yes!! This one is the “ best of the best” of the many that I have viewed from other weddings!! Big thumbs up & “ that’s the way to do it”!!! 👍. Five STARS!!!! 😁
I have seen lots of wedding dance with this song nothing compares to this couple. This couple nailed it
Thanks a lot !
Two thumbs way up👍🏿👍🏿!👏👏👏👏👏. I haven’t been to nor seen many wedding dances, but this will be in my top 10 now & forever.
Thank you for sharing this.
Пересмотрела кучу пародий на этот знаменитый танец и о, да, это самый лучший! Ребята вы лучшие! Браво!!!
That was great and what a tribute to the movie and and Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Green
This was just fantastic! These people are just wonderful. I smiled the whole way through it also.
Wonderfully beautiful. I was smiling all the way through, all 5 times! 💃🏻🕺🏼❤️
Hello how are you doing?
Maravilhoso! Foi a reprodução mais fiel da coreografia que já vi. Parabéns!
Oh wow!! They are awesome!!
So sweet, cute, joyous!
Nostalgic feelings... I miss those days...
Life was beautiful, people were more happy back then...
That was Amazing! One of my favorite songs from Dirty Dancing, they are wonderful dancers. They had that routine perfectly. 💃🕺
Hello how are you doing?
you guys are amazing !!!! Congratulations and have a beautiful life together !!!!!1
Owwww. Thank You! :)
Yes I agree you guys are amazing! Congratulations And I hope you have a beautiful life together!!!!!
This is perfect
Polska ❤ Najlepsza wiadomo !!!
Mega zatańczyliście!!!!
Just Perfect!! My favorite movie!! Took me back lots of years in my life!! Thank you absolutely fantastic! You are ready for the the next script…
Congratulations and may God keeping you both dancing together through a lifetime of Happiness to come.
Thanks a lot :)
If you want to see it live - write us a message.
Maybe you know in your country some company or people who make some events and look forward dancers :)
Wow! Totally amazing. My favorite movie and I’m usually not one that likes imitators but for this one, you blew it out of the water. Thank you for sharing and congrats!
Big words! Thank You very much :)
Are the couple professional dancers? Movements like those are not easy to do. The male definitely is.
@@colleen3107 yes. We are latinoamerican and ballroom dancers :)
But it's not easy to dance this choreografii :)
Absolutely Beautiful Awesome 🤗🦋♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thanks a lot!
Wow just wow!!!!!! You all did an amazing job! On cue and looking just like Patrick and Jennifer. They would both be so proud!
Поймали кураж!👍👍👍👍👍
Idealnie to zatańczyliście😍.. Piękna i uśmiechnięta z Was para.. Bądźcie szczęśliwi 🤍
Bardzo dziękujemy!!!
Woooow, perfect.
finally a couple who laughs and where the joy really comes across ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thanks a lot! :) we really love this dance :)
Perfection and beautifully done! Very strong dancers, both beautiful! and great smiles! thank you for this!!!
We also want to thank you for this words ! :)
@@studiotancarejdance2044 underwear((((((((
Cgdwyrwjuhagh a casa e non ho mai avuto
Fwdr a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema Gjdes a casa e non ho mai avuto un problema
They nailed it. It was sweet Watching this. Great job guys. He led her through the dance, and she trusted him to lead and followed gracefully.
This is the most sensual wedding dance. You can feel it. This groom has the moves but mostly the look in his eyes and the touch of his hands. MMMMM.
Their form is excellent! These two have to be dancers already...fell in love and got married. I've never seen an amateur execute this song so perfectly!! Big props to the both of them!
Thanks a lot.
We don't know hoy you know it but yes. It is like you said.
We are dancers, we started dance together and after few years... Bum... :)
@@studiotancarejdance2044 aweeeee God bless the both of u. I wish u a long life full of love laughs and lots of dancing ❤️❤️
Simplesmente a melhor até agora ❤
That was awesome! They nailed it….as my granddaughter would say. Congratulations to the beautiful newlyweds! Best wedding dance by a couple I’ve seen on RUclips!
Better even than the original! I am swept away ❤
This is the best version I’ve seen!! I was smiling ear to ear throughout the whole dance. Congratulations!! 🥰