Have you ever noticed how many older men drive beautiful, expensive cars? Many of us joke about the mid-life crisis, about boys and their toys, but I’d like to take a serious look at male middle age. Most of us have heard about menopause, but have you ever heard of andropause?
Researchers believe that by the time men are between the ages of 40 and 55, they can experience a phenomenon similar to the female menopause, called andropause. It’s not a very well-known phenomenon, but it is very important to discuss it.
Menopause and andropause are similar in that both are distinguished by a drop in hormone levels–estrogen in the female, testosterone in the male. Even though menopause and andropause do have things in common, the condition is harder to pinpoint in men. This is largely because men don’t have a clear-cut “signpost” like the end of menstruation to mark the decline in hormones. A man’s “transition”, however, may be much more gradual and can expand over many decades. Although a decline in testosterone levels will occur in virtually all men, there’s no way of predicting who will experience andropausal symptoms that are severe enough to get them to seek medical help. It’s also not easy to predict the age at which symptoms will occur in any particular individual.
Look out for the following symptoms that may indicate a decline in testosterone levels:
- low sex drive
- emotional, psychological and behavioral changes
- decreased muscle mass
- loss of muscle strength
- increased upper and central body fat
- back pain
- chest pains
And ask yourself the following questions:
Do I have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?
Do I have a lack of energy?
Do I have a decrease in my sex drive (libido)?
Am I sadder and/or grumpier than usual?
Have I lost height?
Have I noticed a decreased enjoyment in life?
Have I noticed a recent deterioration in my ability to play sports?
Are my erections less strong?
Has there been a recent deterioration in my work performance?
Am I falling asleep after dinner?
If you answered yes to many of these, then you may want to ask your doctor to check your testosterone levels. You may be a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy, and in men with andropause this can be highly effective and beneficial.
Various clinical studies of testosterone replacement therapy have shown the following benefits:
- improvement in mood and sense of well-being
- increased mental and physical energy
- decreased anger, irritability, sadness, tiredness, nervousness
- improved quality of sleep
- improved libido and sexual performance
- an increase in lean body mass, a decline in fat mass
- an increase in muscle strength (hand grip, upper and lower extremities)
- a decrease in the risk of heart disease
So if you are a male, especially over 50, and you suspect you may be andropausal, please seek out medical advice. If low testosterone is not the culprit for your symptoms, then seek help with a therapist to determine whether other issues are at play.