🐶 When your dog loves your boyfriend more than you 😂Cute Dog And Human Moments
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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The video for today is: 🐶 When your dog loves your boyfriend more than you 😂Cute Dog And Human Moments
🌟 When Your Dog Loves Your Boyfriend More Than You! 😂🐶💔 In this video, we’ll witness some incredibly funny and adorable moments as your pup can't resist the charm of your boyfriend. From loving glances to sweet gestures, you’ll find yourself laughing at your own “jealous” expressions!
Is it possible that your pet's love for your partner is stronger than your own? Tune in to see some hilarious “love rivalry” and unexpected reactions from your dog! Don’t forget to share your thoughts on this situation and tell us your own similar stories! 🥰✨ #DogLovers #Love #Funny
🐶 When your dog loves your boyfriend more than you 😂Cute Dog And Human Moments
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LMFAO that one dog smacked the ladies face 😂
26.000 years with a profoundly successful partnership is not that easily denied...
That’s why dogs are called “man’s best friend”😂
I love dogs wayyy more than any humans - their ability to love and be loved is unmatched
Yes I feel the same way.
Dogs don't love. They are conditioned to be that way.
Would you have wanted your parents to condition you to behave like a dog?
Stop being mentally weak.
It's the masculine energy that gets these dogs.
The women think their boyfriends come to visit them when in reality they're coming to spend time with their dogs.
4:10 'Hes MINE now'
Animals cannot be fooled and they always sense kind and good people.
I have a four year old border collie / Burmese mountain cross, he loves me and I adore him but, he loves my dad more than me no matter what. I just have to say the word 'papa' and he gets excited. I guess that's why they call the man's best friend.
I think you mean Bernese mountain dog. The breed is from Bern in Switzerland, not Burma.
You are absolutely right. It was a typo I didn’t catch.
Someone’s got a PHD in Google….
@@phoenixwithin 😆
Every dog has that one favourite human.
I have the same problem with my lurcher x husky, only it's with my sister. As soon as she visits, his tail wags like a helicopter and he dances round her every time she moves. If I come through the door, he walks passed and if I'm lucky it's a side eye and a wag, not even that... it's half a wag!😂🤣
A friend of mine once had a bull terrier. This dog loved me and at first I was so scared of this muscular but pure, friendly soul. Whenever I visited him, it didn't take a minute for him to lie down on my legs. ..... Eventually I got used to it. It changed my opinion of this dog breed completely in a positive direction.
Sometimes a dog's jealousy is dangerous if it starts to nip the other person, but truly most of these clips are adorable. That chihuahua getting a bath!! 😆 Cute.
That was the dog of the ex's mother. After the third visit upwards he ignored the rest of the family when I was there. He even listened to my commands. My ex wasn't allowed to touch me when I cuddled with the dog, then the dog growled.When we were looking after the house when the ex's parents were on vacation, the dog howled outside the bedroom door every night because he wanted to go to bed with me after cuddling on the couch - but I have a dog allergy and couldn't and he never slept in bed with the parents. When they couldn't take the dog with them because they were moving to a much smaller apartment and gave him away to another family who also loved him very much, I cried and I heard that the dog also cried every night for three weeks. Before every visit I needed allergy medication, after the visit I always had to shower and wash my clothes because of the stupid allergy, but the dog loved me dearly and I loved him.
These are adorable. When your dog loves your boyfriend it sort of seals the deal.😊 Guy driving, holding dog's paw while girlfriend films from back seat...doesn't get more definite than that.😂 ❤❤❤
Brilliant, I want them all.
All animals are amazing!!!
Dogs always loyal and love their masters not mistress 😊😊
Dogs know only men love unconditionally 😢
A Women love is conditionally..
As a dog u have to ..
1 Bark at the guy who brings Bills .. the postman i think u call him😢
2 chase all the squirrels aways.. she's nuts enough..😢
3 pull security and be the alarm when they're an evil person around.. who isn't petting me ..😢
See what i mean ..
Men love unconditionally and they play too ..
Plus he sneaks me bacon when your not looking 😅 bacon is love
Lol 😂😂😂😂😂
How sweet are these videos! The good thing is dogs can sense, and feel if you are dating someone who is a good person!!!
I certainly love my dog more than my girlfriend.
That’s not normal.deep Emotional attachment to animals is not normal
@@Read-this-comment O cachorro da minha namorada me ama mais do que a ela. Ter apego emocional do bem é ótimo. Ruim é amar que tem maltrata. se liga cara.
As always amazing job on your part👏🏻👏🏻super intrigued😮🤯
Dogs (animals in general) Have the ability to sense if you are a friendly/good person. Has they do someone who is not. Dogs are used for many things in many professional environments. Even those who can sniff-out illnesses or oncoming seizures in people etc. The ignorance lays with mankind, continually 'underestimating' the intelligence of the animal kingdom.
This is fantastic ❤❤❤
Dogs are good at “ breaking the ice” between people.
Great subjects also . Just talk about Ur Dog😊❤
Soooooo presh ❤❤❤
Love this beautiful video🥰
Thank youuu
The fact that you are recording from the back seat lol 🤣
Dogs have an innate ability to know if someone is good at heart and won't hurt them. This doesn't mean the female owners are mean. I'm sure half the time it goes the other way.
It would be nice to see a couple pictures of owners or boyfriends being vets the dogs being so friendly or so happy
Absolutely adorable video. Thank you for making it.
Dogs are biologically designed to recognize and follow the alpha in any pack canine or human
so all males are alpha, all females are beta. got it. what year was it again
@@thejwvariety Nope, just the ones they showed in this video. Go find something else to be outraged about cupcake
@@andrewfields6107 To be fair we don't live in tribes ad large packs anymore so the alpha male concept is pretty nul.
my partner and i are gay, my dog sits with my partner all day, but will only sleep if she is touching me..... so who is the boss there lol
@allenjohnson7686 Hard to tell from your brief description, but pay attention to her and you'll see. Its biological in pack animals. She's definitely identified one of you as the alpha.
domesticated dogs seem to want that camaraderie like feeling they get from male owners, its like looking forward to meeting a gaming buddy or basketball team mates..
Maybe because they sit and relax waiting for the ladies so the dog cashes in on attention 😊
My two dogs loves me always,and dont like my boyfriends...by the way they was nice people...
Dogs tend to bond closer with people of opposite sex of the dog.
Your dogs have good taste
The ring camera😂😂😂😂
Because dogs are men's best friends. 😎🐕🦺❤❤❤
A dog is almost always more loyal to a man, not a woman because it instinctively chooses someone to protect it better. Dogs will naturally show more affection to their master and try to protect them as well.
😂😂😂😂 To protect it better? 😂😂😂😂 Y'all gotta lay off the crack
Theres a reason theyre called 'Mans' best friend
😂❤😊 Morning 🌄 Brother Joe Joe 💙.
Although I don't consider myself a Prophet... I DO understand much of what's happening and yep, my friend's think think I'm a bit of a Loose Cannon. 😅
Thank you for watching!!
a magical being in the sky thats everywhere at once....sounds alot like Santa and just as real as santa
🐶: where's ur boyfriend, I miss him
🙎♀️: now I'm single
Good vid man
Thank youuuu
It's funny that the woman who was taken from your flesh can't love you like that.
No dog bud 3 cats...and i love them ❤
And ilove those lovely silly dogs
My favorite people are doggums,.
Warum zeigt ihr viele Sachen doppelt???
3:03 but the bf was cheating by using his hand to summon the dog!
My dog hates people but ran to me from who knows where and immediately got attached. He regularly beefs with the toilet because I have to use the bathroom daily and he’s not allowed in
Pupset series lol
The dog was scared of the boyfriend 🙄
it's funny. From one side, many dogs are scared of men, while have no objections to women - I am guessing it's a case of fear. But once a dog gets to know a man, they will most likely chose a man over a woman, even if that woman happens to be an owner :). Many dogs are apprehensive of men, when their owner happens to be apprehensive of men...go figure.
So cute but I feel bad for the girl.
Sad thing is, it says more about what the dogs think of the women. And how much time and attention the women are not giving their dogs.
This is the dumbest thing ever said on the internet today. You can make an compilation of women and dogs loving on them. You're an idiot and you're obviously projecting what YOU think about women and the attention you receive from them. Which is probably none.
I spend a tremendous amount of quality time with my dog.
My dog ran away so my ex and I rescued his sister from the same litter a few months later from an abusive home. I was tough at first convincing her to trust me but we eventually bonded during a rough period of my life. I’ve never really been a “dog person” as I’ve always been quite indifferent even towards my own pets growing up. But something about this breakup has me missing the animal immensely. It’s weird knowing I have to simultaneously pick up and move on with my life while leaving behind an old pal I’ve grown to love. I could easily pick up the phone and check on the dog but I don’t wanna reopen the door for my ex to slither back into my life. 🤦🏾♂️My emotional dilemma 😂
I wish I can par your shoulder and tell you it's ok
The fact that the dog growling and lunging at another person is seen as cute is crazy to me. Their game of slapping to cause a reaction is just stupid
Very cute videos, but allot of these reactions from the dogs are not healthy, and shows poor training, a dog attacking it's owner is a huge red flag
I am so selfish that I want to be the one most loved. I only get male dogs to give me a better chance of them loving me more if I get a boyfriend. (For those that don't know male dogs tend to bond with women more and vice versa)
Yeah the best bet u have is not to take a dog. Dogs and men always bond
você esta errada.
I donc understand the deep emotional connection with animals.i don’t think it’s normal
Comentario en Español random aparece:
El perro es el mejor amigo del "hombre" Y no de la mujer por simple comportamiento de la naturaleza y la evolucion, a que me refiero? los hombres tenemos las extremidades mas calientes y fisiológicamente generamos mas calor corporal, los perros y la gran mayoria de los animales responden a estimulos corporales como cuando son cachorros o crias al juntarse al cuerpo de la madre para mantenerse calientes en epocas de frio, entonces los hombres al tocar, acariciar, dar alimento o entrenar a los perros estimulan ese comportamiento que es normal en la naturaleza de los perros haciéndoles ganar mas rapido la confianza del perro que si lo hiciera una mujer.
El perro simplemente responde mas positivamente al calor que da el hombre.
I'd pay to get rid of the stupid, repetitive AI voice that bothers us all over the videos..
Why let your dog steal your man from you
não se rouba o que não é seu
Stop kissing your dogs, because their snouts have been at their asses ... and thus are "a bit dirty".
Sorry but the dog that growled at his owner needs to be put in his place and corrected.
Cuteness of other videos aside this is a serious issue if your dog shows aggression towards you comparable to food (resource) related aggression behaviors.
Instead they think it’s cute and laugh at it.
Wrong. She was aggressive first. That is how dogs communicate. The dog is protecting someone it loves. The woman obviously is not a good owner if her dog doesn’t love her. Dogs know…. Women take love, men give love.