Funniest side character moments i can't stop thinking about | Community

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 150

  • @triviarosy
    @triviarosy Месяц назад +749


    • @simsalabimre
      @simsalabimre Месяц назад +22

      I legit watched that episode today and even now I laughed like it was the first time

    • @luckyDancer100
      @luckyDancer100 Месяц назад +8

      I think of this line weekly 😂

    • @keegan407
      @keegan407 5 дней назад +1

      One of the best lines

  • @elonaparicio8429
    @elonaparicio8429 Месяц назад +1134

    The moment I watched the protest scene when Garret says he signed the room out I knew there was a plot mistake there, because when Annie lost her pen every single soul on greendale was in the puppy parade, even the dean says so over the speakers

    • @aaronkelly8725
      @aaronkelly8725 Месяц назад +287

      The gas leak must have been messing with all the human being's memories

    • @farinal
      @farinal Месяц назад +87

      gasleak was wild

    • @jakobmcfadden9163
      @jakobmcfadden9163 Месяц назад +154

      Not every soul was at the puppy parade, if you go back and watch the episode there are people walking around in the background the whole time

    • @justjake5963
      @justjake5963 Месяц назад +19

      This is why season 4 might take place in timeline 3

    • @luckyDancer100
      @luckyDancer100 Месяц назад +4

      Except Garret apparently

    @MikeMJPMUNCH Месяц назад +409

    9:49 "The explanation isn't the issue" she delievered that line perfectly

    • @RandyHawkeye
      @RandyHawkeye 16 дней назад

      Sounded just like Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny!

  • @josemaria8177
    @josemaria8177 Месяц назад +487

    The revelation of Shirley's Sandwiches initials is easily the best moment of the gas leak year

    • @jacebeleren429
      @jacebeleren429 Месяц назад +2

      Still haven’t seen it

    • @luckyDancer100
      @luckyDancer100 Месяц назад +21

      @@jacebeleren429 season 4? It’s honestly fine.

    • @jacebeleren429
      @jacebeleren429 Месяц назад +2

      @ One day maybe. I have rewatched all of the other seasons like a dozen times though.

    • @luckyDancer100
      @luckyDancer100 Месяц назад +15

      @@jacebeleren429 season 3 and 5 might be my personal favorites. Season 4 definitely isn’t as bad as people say. I have a few I actually really like that season.

    • @eddygci8
      @eddygci8 29 дней назад +2

      @@luckyDancer100 rewatching the show. I never realized how fast paced it was. Season 1 has so many killer moments. I could watch that alone on repeat forever.

  • @whawhawhawhaaaa
    @whawhawhawhaaaa Месяц назад +460

    The Duncan end card is my probably my favorite in the entire show. I love the idea that Greendale is just a military base pretending to be a community college.

    • @dylanr6214
      @dylanr6214 Месяц назад +25

      I love that it never got brought up again

    • @fufunumnum
      @fufunumnum Месяц назад +74

      6:26 greendale students are technically in the army reserves

    • @nephrite3652
      @nephrite3652 Месяц назад +32

      like a front for some kind of covert military operation... that is such an interesting concept and its making me think of other parts of the show that could support it.... the students are in the army reserves, the dean somehow buying the armys "taco meat", the way the dean is always talking about how legitimate the school is, i could go on

    • @fufunumnum
      @fufunumnum Месяц назад +41

      @@nephrite3652 Greendale worldbuilding is wild. The secret underground computer science department, the Air Conditioner Repair school, the maze, etc

    • @MrCat-zz5eo
      @MrCat-zz5eo Месяц назад +5

      @@nephrite3652 Covert front for military... _experimentation?_

  • @Licensed_To_Chill
    @Licensed_To_Chill Месяц назад +138

    "What's your clearance level?"
    "Top" 🤣🤣🤣 The genius of this is how curious, and then eventually nervous Duncan gets that every random thing he does or says gets him to the next step.

  • @LiveDonkeyDeadLion
    @LiveDonkeyDeadLion 28 дней назад +87

    I’ve set “Crisis Alert!” as my alarm, not the first one you hit and ignore, but the one after where you need to wake up. Always makes me smile

    • @jjjasonA
      @jjjasonA 27 дней назад +3

      can you upload it somewhere lmao I'd love this

  • @TheGreatCalsby
    @TheGreatCalsby Месяц назад +74

    Todd's quivering bottom lip in the court case absolutely SOLD this entire scene

  • @nach0narx
    @nach0narx Месяц назад +251

    the fact that this account is still posting gives me hope that the movie isn't 100% dead

    • @faireduchemin
      @faireduchemin 25 дней назад +4

      This channel is my real family.

  • @randalthor741
    @randalthor741 Месяц назад +127

    For my money the 2 standout performances of Keith David's career are his compelling portrayal of Childs in The Thing, and his delivery of the line "Now this is a man that knows how to marry his cousin!" in Community.

  • @Reaxon38
    @Reaxon38 29 дней назад +46

    This show is so well written that you love every character that had a line in the show

  • @Awildjaapappeared
    @Awildjaapappeared 20 дней назад +9

    The usage of side characters in Community is genius, such an underrated feature in this show, how they always come back in these moments. I love the Fat Neil moment. 'But thanks to us, he is still alive, doing this and that in the background.'

  • @mayalevine2898
    @mayalevine2898 29 дней назад +46

    the "that's not the ISSUE" girl gets me every time

  • @patrickn8355
    @patrickn8355 Месяц назад +113

    *Todd Jacobson, you have the right to do whatever you want nothing you say or do can be used against by anyone but we’d really like it if you came with us, please and thank you*

  • @MrOtistetrax
    @MrOtistetrax 29 дней назад +16

    Garret’s little wordless point at Aunt Polly when Jeff asks “where’s Me-Maw?” is priceless.

  • @Jk01227
    @Jk01227 Месяц назад +47

    0:18 “human beings are people too” 😂

  • @TheMacThat
    @TheMacThat 25 дней назад +8

    Star-Burns asking for a kiss like it’s going to hide him is too funny, like we can’t see that top hat, lol.

  • @batman513_6
    @batman513_6 Месяц назад +46

    13:59 there are no thoughts behind Chang’s eyes 😭

  • @HectorTWE
    @HectorTWE Месяц назад +49

    13:34 one of the best scenes ever. Great performances all around

    • @AlisonBrieVids
      @AlisonBrieVids Месяц назад +11


    • @lolt642
      @lolt642 Месяц назад +3

      todds face when shes gloating is really funny

  • @RediscoveringDavid
    @RediscoveringDavid 28 дней назад +13

    The most well written comedy series in 20 years

  • @jdb124
    @jdb124 Месяц назад +51

    The marriage episode was amazing I couldn’t stop laughing 😂

  • @gligarguy4010
    @gligarguy4010 Месяц назад +205

    Not enough Magnitude.

  • @Predaking4ever
    @Predaking4ever Месяц назад +50

    “That’s saved Garrett?”

  • @luckyDancer100
    @luckyDancer100 Месяц назад +10

    1:17 Shirley’s reaction to her shirt’s initials is hilarious 😂

  • @SilverShion
    @SilverShion Месяц назад +22


  • @wherami
    @wherami Месяц назад +29

    Todd better be In the movie

  • @patrickn8355
    @patrickn8355 Месяц назад +19


  • @Footerismyname
    @Footerismyname 27 дней назад +8

    Sooo. Are we just going to ignore MAGNATUDE?!!!! POP POP

  • @ragibiram8858
    @ragibiram8858 Месяц назад +8

    let us all say together and in one voice, "Leonard is the most legendary side character ever!"

    • @leokim2998
      @leokim2998 29 дней назад +2

      I love how he made the reference to Hogan's Heroes... Richard Erdman would know!

    • @ragibiram8858
      @ragibiram8858 29 дней назад +3

      The guy's a war hero and now he's in a community college goofing around, roasting people and making review videos just for the heck of it. That's pretty badass

  • @economicfreedomfighter
    @economicfreedomfighter Месяц назад +22

    13:47 Objection. I hate the both of you

  • @Oniphius1
    @Oniphius1 26 дней назад +3

    Because of the Yam incident, after Todd left Greendale he went on to change his name to Dave and moved to Toledo Oh to teach high school.

  • @NextToToddliness
    @NextToToddliness 22 дня назад +3

    I love how Annie thinks a grown man being legally a week old is cute.

  • @the.brokenhand
    @the.brokenhand Месяц назад +11

    gareth's wedding's the funniest sht I've ever seen

  • @aj_chan
    @aj_chan Месяц назад +5

    "Greendale's first steps forward into the realm of the legitimaaaaaate ..."

  • @Milksmash
    @Milksmash 11 дней назад

    Duncan calling in the air strike and the Deans peanut rap are my favorite jokes of the series.

  • @albertl5444
    @albertl5444 25 дней назад +2

    Garrett's marriage still haunts me to this days

  • @dashx1103
    @dashx1103 7 дней назад

    The amazing cast of "side characters" in this show is one of the things that made it great. Garrett, Magnitude, Leonard, Vicki, Todd, Fat Neil, Starburns, etc. Rich, well-drawn characters that held lots of value despite their limited time on camera.

  • @bennyfactor
    @bennyfactor 16 дней назад +1

    I want an office style voicemail answering machine so I can have "for marigold press four"

  • @SirDistic
    @SirDistic 29 дней назад +4

    You forgot the part where Jeff makes a closing speech and Vicky and her bf hug. Todd cries.

  • @DVIs101
    @DVIs101 29 дней назад +4

    Wow this compilation is streets ahead.

  • @yufeiwang6559
    @yufeiwang6559 Месяц назад +9

    1:04 point proven Jeff, point proven.

  • @1dareu2mov3
    @1dareu2mov3 Месяц назад +14

    The Duncan clip has audio sync issues 😢

  • @TigerLilly4495
    @TigerLilly4495 13 дней назад

    My favorite side character mention moment is how they say they had a rally to save Garrett and then someone (i cant remember who) says "but did we though?"

  • @MrLee-oj6oz
    @MrLee-oj6oz 22 дня назад

    Chang's face in the classroom/courtroom is something else

  • @davewilson9738
    @davewilson9738 Месяц назад +2

    I just love this programme so much...there, I said it!

  • @undrline
    @undrline Месяц назад +11

    5:45 Corprohuminization may not be too far off

    • @creeperroese
      @creeperroese 19 дней назад

      It’s exactly what company ai agents are sigh

  • @HandsomeLongshanks
    @HandsomeLongshanks 27 дней назад

    Eli trying to salvage Garret's qedding will always be my sole favorite moment of community. "Now, this is a man than KNOWS how to marry his cousin!" Ahahahaha

  • @murata1650
    @murata1650 18 дней назад +1

    I miss this show on netflix

  • @Pokephantom
    @Pokephantom Месяц назад +6

    Shout outs to starting with a clip from season 4. Whats with Duncan's audio? But where is Magnitude!?

  • @DetManny777
    @DetManny777 11 дней назад +1

    i need one of those shirley shirts

  • @reedbelles6133
    @reedbelles6133 Месяц назад +5

    Is that Simmons from red v blue at 7:50?

  • @andreeliasoliveira6131
    @andreeliasoliveira6131 Месяц назад +4

    Man does Todd suffer with the study group

  • @benilinshingoseth2086
    @benilinshingoseth2086 28 дней назад

    Magnitude, Leonard, Todd, (Just) Neil, Vicky, Garreth, Duncan... Myriad of great side characters !

  • @manuelesparza1009
    @manuelesparza1009 4 дня назад +1

    Everyone wants to look at Annie's yam

  • @theslotwhisperer5513
    @theslotwhisperer5513 Месяц назад +5


  • @pokemaster1725
    @pokemaster1725 28 дней назад

    14:57 Michael Ironside will forever be typecasted as a Soldier

  • @ElGatoBlanco1970
    @ElGatoBlanco1970 Месяц назад +5

    Garrett's "wife" is Erin, Dan Harmons x wife. I totally forgot about her. Harmontown was so long ago now.

  • @DarkEagleZero
    @DarkEagleZero 26 дней назад

    God I love this show…

  • @maxq-
    @maxq- Месяц назад +6

    POP POP ?

  • @minervaloves
    @minervaloves Месяц назад +2

    I like Garret, Todd, and Magnitude... pop pop!

  • @tomaszlukaszewicz4468
    @tomaszlukaszewicz4468 11 дней назад +1

    7:04 John Oliver?!

    • @PhiltheMoko
      @PhiltheMoko 7 дней назад

      That is the name of the actor/comedian who was on the show from the first episode till the end of the second season I believe.

  • @wherami
    @wherami Месяц назад +1

    Garret and Stacey are my favorite

  • @nachoschg
    @nachoschg 16 часов назад

    Not sure if the actual side character is Star-Burns himself or his sideburns.

  • @friedpinnapple
    @friedpinnapple 29 дней назад +1

    Dean. Dean. Annie. Whaaaat is happening!!!

  • @aaronkelly8725
    @aaronkelly8725 Месяц назад


    • @jubilee7019
      @jubilee7019 Месяц назад

      Mono-blue Winger. Full control.

  • @Hawk-tmh
    @Hawk-tmh 27 дней назад +1

    Was it really todd who wanted the yam dead or someone did something to it

    • @aroha9090
      @aroha9090 26 дней назад +6

      If I remember correctly, I think it was Neil, who was trying to make sure his gf got a high grade by pouring boiling water in the other yams. the boiling water killed the yams & cooled down overnight. But Todd had gone in there, picked up the study group's yam while the jar was still hot which is how he dropped it.

    • @yOGlo
      @yOGlo 25 дней назад

      It was an accident cause tha yam was too hot

  • @G_Wanna_Be
    @G_Wanna_Be 8 дней назад

    anyone else wondering when the movie is gonna come out?

  • @kevinwiersema2902
    @kevinwiersema2902 10 дней назад

    This is one of the greatest TV shows ever.....well up till they started losing characters and lost the formula that is

  • @pedrowla2297
    @pedrowla2297 Месяц назад

    Eat Fresh Best guy around

  • @Littlezeekers
    @Littlezeekers 28 дней назад

    Why does Jeff say “uhh-ohh” at 5:21

  • @shubhammanchekar972
    @shubhammanchekar972 Месяц назад +2

    Eat fresh 😂🎉

  • @KnowPhere
    @KnowPhere Месяц назад +2

    No magnitude?!?

  • @anamay01
    @anamay01 26 дней назад +1

    4:41 Abed: "Yeah, Troy, Annie and I know what it's like to be displaced." 👀
    Hadn't noticed that before.

  • @dr.braxygilkeycruises1460
    @dr.braxygilkeycruises1460 29 дней назад

    @6:23, I literally lifted my fist toward the laptop. *Eat Fresh!* 🤣😅😆😅😂

  • @IanFiebigwi
    @IanFiebigwi Месяц назад +1

    Wait...Why would a yam growing in a jar burn someone?

    • @Elderrion
      @Elderrion Месяц назад +8

      The water was boiling

    • @maxies4090
      @maxies4090 28 дней назад +2

      One of the characters was putting boiling water in the jars at night so the yams would die and his girlfriend would pass the class.

    • @IanFiebigwi
      @IanFiebigwi 28 дней назад

      @ Sounds pretty Streets Ahead to me.

  • @JenLight
    @JenLight 29 дней назад

    The coopting of language used by actual fans by the official YT channels of TV shows is peek late-stage capitalism

  • @williamferguson963
    @williamferguson963 11 дней назад


  • @sajti812
    @sajti812 Месяц назад +8

    I hate Todd so much you cannot believe

    • @Xerxes4242
      @Xerxes4242 Месяц назад +13

      No offence

    • @minervaloves
      @minervaloves Месяц назад +11

      @@Xerxes4242 OFFENSE TAKEN!

    • @sajti812
      @sajti812 Месяц назад

      @@minervaloves Don't get your no 4 stink on this Todd

  • @Arkatox
    @Arkatox 29 дней назад +5

    "They lost a pen" will always be my least favorite joke of the entire show, encapsulating everything wrong with Season 4. Shallow fanservice (reference fan favorite episode) while not actually giving a single crap about the continuity. (All the other students were at the dog parade at the time of the scene.)
    I'll defend Season 4 more than a lot of people would, but that one off-hand flashback joke makes my blood _boil._ Definitely ironic that it's something that casually seems so mundane.

  • @an_oracle
    @an_oracle 24 дня назад +1

    Its a shame but you can tell the protest flashback was the gas leak season:
    1) plot inconsistencies (Dan was very neurotic about canon)
    2) the weak "time unknown", where you can tell its not from a real episode. S2 or 3 would've straight up gaslit you and wrote it like it was a callback that wasnt actually real.
    3) Following up on jokes that are self-explanatory. "They lost a pen" is unneeded, we see the situation unfolding, and the show trusted its audience to remember the canon.
    You can really feel the difference :/

  • @groinBlaster31
    @groinBlaster31 Месяц назад

    Season 4 is so lame