  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Hey everyone! We're at the Habitat ReStore in Lenoir, NC. They have GREAT DEALS on Throwbacks, Vintage items, SEVEN 124-year-old antiques, and so much more at this ReStore! Enjoy! 😘
    This ReStore is located at:
    1216 Harper Avenue
    Lenoir, NC 28645
    💜💜💜LET'S WORK TOGETHER!!!💜💜💜

Комментарии • 72

  • @lenoraprimus1407
    @lenoraprimus1407 5 дней назад +1

    Hey Kelly, Loved the measuring cups and spoons. Absolutely adorable.

  • @ShannonMoody
    @ShannonMoody 5 дней назад +2

    The vintage plates get me everytime

  • @cassandrasmith2727
    @cassandrasmith2727 5 дней назад +5

    I always enjoy these walk through videos with you. You’re really good at making and narrating your videos. I love your charming accent and your humor. Meeting your sweet momma is the cherry on the top. I just love her. ❤🤗🙏🏽✨

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад +1

      Aww...Thanks, Cassandra! 😊YOU 🫵made my day! 🤗💜🤗Have a beautiful week, sweet friend! 💐Mom's coming up in another video soon! 👍😁

  • @RadGma
    @RadGma 5 дней назад +4

    Girl my buggy was full! Loved that carnival candy dish, those beautiful dishes and the wall sconces! Thank you sweet friend and have a wonderful weekend! ❤️

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey RadGma! 😀I'd be easy to fill a buggy at this ReStore for sure! 😍🛒Have a beautiful week, sweet friend! 🤗💜🤗

  • @susanzeller8887
    @susanzeller8887 5 дней назад +3

    Hi sweet Kelly,
    Every day being able to see a video from you is a happy day!! Loved the floral dishes and the basket vase. You always do such a great job describing everything. I do feel like I'm there with you. Thanks for everything you do. Hope you have a great weekend and stay well. God bless you and your family. Extra scratch for Rickflair. Please say hi to mom !!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Aww...Thanks, Susan! 😊YOU🫵 made my day! 🥰 Blessings to you always, sweet friend! 🤗💜🤗Mom's coming up in a video soon! 👍😁

  • @SharonWilliamson-qd6rx
    @SharonWilliamson-qd6rx 5 дней назад +1

    I'm in love with the rose plates! 😍 kelly, you and mama always make us feel welcome.👍💕

  • @danamcclellan1427
    @danamcclellan1427 5 дней назад +1

    Love the angel and also the basket vase with the flowers. The bear bowls were adorable…actually there were a lot of items I liked in this video. Many blessings to you, Kelly.

  • @user-de6em7rg5f
    @user-de6em7rg5f 3 дня назад +1

    such great finds I love the dishes!! God Bless and have a wonderful week Hug your Momma!!

  • @maryd9331
    @maryd9331 5 дней назад +1

    Thanks for the tour, Kelly! So many nice items.❤

  • @dawnrobinson4451
    @dawnrobinson4451 День назад +1

    Good morning Kelly 🌷 So many lovely items...but i especially loved the sweet plate at the end with the cute bears on x

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  32 минуты назад

      Hey Dawn! That was such a cute little plate! A steal of a deal for a piece of fine china, too! Have a lovely day, sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @dawnrobinson4451
    @dawnrobinson4451 5 дней назад +1

    Hello Kelly 🌷 hope you're well .. I've got my coffee & about to watch your lovely video xx

  • @DonnaLawson-bn1gt
    @DonnaLawson-bn1gt 5 дней назад +2

    I just love the walk through. Thanks as always.

  • @sarahrizer6055
    @sarahrizer6055 5 дней назад +2


  • @wandamyers2690
    @wandamyers2690 5 дней назад +1

    Kelly, i hope you're staying warm. It's cool here today. I thought the Popeye nesting dolls were so cute. There were several pieces in there i liked. My sister would have loved the Elvis coffee cup because he was her man. Lol. I hope you and you hubby have an amazing weekend. Loves 💐 💕✨️🥰

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Wanda! 😀Elvis was such a hunk for sure! 🎸🕺😍Have a lovely week yourself, sweet friend! 💐Hugs and Loves to you, my sister! 🤗💜🤗

  • @donnaplumridge9769
    @donnaplumridge9769 5 дней назад +1

    Thoroughly enjoyed your vlog, Kelly, as usual! Saw quite a few pieces of dishes I loved, they don’t make the like they used to!
    Yes I certainly do remember wearing panty hose and the other type, especially the nude coloured type. And hated getting the ladders in them, using finger nail polish was used to try to stop them from getting bigger! lol!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Donna! 😀 I remember using the clear nail polish on them, too! 💅😁I don't miss those days for sure! 😂Have a lovely week sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @janeperry5890
    @janeperry5890 5 дней назад +2

    It’s so much fun to see your suggestions for using the pieces and the comparable online. Thanks for taking extra time to do that!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Aww...Thanks Jane! 😊It makes my day to know you're enjoying my videos! 👍Have a beautiful week, sweet friend!🤗💜💐

  • @nancypritchett1159
    @nancypritchett1159 5 дней назад +1

    Kelly, I really enjoy our trips to the restore. I feel you’re right beside me with your suggestions, like what about that spot on your dining room wall? Oh wouldn’t these plates be so cute as a grouping right there? And I’m answering yeah, yes it would!! Except I live in Missouri and you live in North Carolina!! But that’s ok, I plan on seeing you and Momma one day and I’ll be the one hugging your neck! God Bless!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Aww...Thanks, Nancy! 😊I wish everyone could meet up and shop shop shop at these ReStores in person with me, too! 🛍️💜🛍️We'd have a blast for sure! 👍😁We'd hug you back! 🤗💜🤗Have a beautiful week, sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @trackmasterjr3
    @trackmasterjr3 5 дней назад +1

    Great shopping as always! ❤

  • @anibalsilva5112
    @anibalsilva5112 2 дня назад +1

    Hola estimada Kelly, muchas gracias por tus deseos de bienestar, nos estamos comunicando y ver tus videos nos es muy grato verlos y hacerte los comentarios pertinentes y de muy buen agrado. Cordiales saludos !!!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Thank you!! 😊Have a beautiful week sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @KathyChambers-mh1hw
    @KathyChambers-mh1hw 5 дней назад +1

    Kelly, I loved the Popeye nesting dolls. I used to watch Popeye as a kid!👍👍 I thought those last plates you showed were gorgeous!! I liked the pinks and blue. Thank you for another great video!! You and your family have a great weekend!! It got cold here, today! Stay warm! 💜💜👍👍🙏🙏🗼🗼🐱🐱

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Kathy! 😀I remember the Popeye cartoons, too! So fun! 💪Have a lovely week, sweet friend! 🤗💜🤗

  • @beverlycraddock2313
    @beverlycraddock2313 5 дней назад +3

    I loved the white wall sconces!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Great choice, Beverly! 👍They were so pretty! 💜💜💜Have a great week, sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @emiliagarcia6868
    @emiliagarcia6868 5 дней назад +1

    Good morning Kelly 🙋‍♀️ I wish I lived nearby,so much nice items, too many favorites ❤❤😊 Have a great day ❤❤😊

  • @belindaaiken9171
    @belindaaiken9171 5 дней назад +1

    I loved pop eye. I would have bought that. ❤😅 beautiful plates. Thanks for sharing stay safe and have a blessed day.

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Belinda! 😀That was such a fun throwback with the Popeye nesting dolls! 💪😁👍Blessings to you always, sweet friend! 💜Have a beautiful week! 🤗💜💐

  • @AuntieBrendaWashington-tp5mq
    @AuntieBrendaWashington-tp5mq 5 дней назад +2

    I loved the 124 plates. Perfection!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Auntie Brenda! 😀I LOVE LOVE LOVED those antique plates, too! 💜💜💜Such great condition to be antiques! 🤯Have a beautiful week, sweet friend! 🤗💜💐

  • @trixiesbagoftricks4899
    @trixiesbagoftricks4899 5 дней назад

    Lovely things today!! ❤❤

  • @warriorgirl8118
    @warriorgirl8118 5 дней назад +1

    Great show

  • @janewerner4002
    @janewerner4002 5 дней назад +1

    The owl is cute!

  • @rebeccakidder1397
    @rebeccakidder1397 5 дней назад +2

    Kelly, I want all the dishes, especially the antique German set…. Do you ship? 🤣 The nesting dolls were adorable. What a perfect picture, Puss in Boots 🥰. So many nice things, the panty hose, not so much 🤦🏻‍♀️. Stay blessed friend! Becki

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад +1

      🤣🤣🤣YOU are the BEST!!! 📦📬Have a beautiful week, my sweet FUNNY friend! 🤗💜🤗

  • @anibalsilva5112
    @anibalsilva5112 5 дней назад +1

    Hola estimada Kelly, quería comunicarte que volvimos al mar y allá no tenemos Internet y cuando volvimos me enferme de una infección urinaria, pero ya estoy mejor, por eso no nos comunicamos contigo nuestra apreciada Kelly. Muy grandes y eclecticos la variedad de confortables sillones.El pato Donald y Mike Mouse eran mis ídolos en mi infancia. Muy lindos los platos y las antigüedades, las lamparas sobre todo. Gran variedad en cómodas antiguas y las tazas con un bello decorado. Nuestra apreciada Kelly, te enviamos un caluroso saludo de Graciela y Anibal desde la lejana Argentina !!!

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Hey Anibal and Graciela! 😀Glad you stopped by, sweet friends! Take care! 🤗💜🤗

  • @caronshogan2436
    @caronshogan2436 5 дней назад +2

    Wow what great deals! Never find that in DFW area the prices here are not reasonable

    • @tishaaugustust835
      @tishaaugustust835 5 дней назад

      My daughter lives in Grapevine so I packed an extra bag for expected “thrifting treasures” when I visited a few weeks ago. I could not believe the prices in the Goodwill/Restore. Needless to say, I came home with nothing.

    • @comegowithmetoday
      @comegowithmetoday  2 дня назад

      Sorry to hear that Caron and Tisha! I wish you were close enough to shop these ReStores! I hope y'all run across a FABULOUS thrift/antique store near you that's even better than the one's I'm showcasing! Hugs to you both! 🤗💜🤗

    • @tishaaugustust835
      @tishaaugustust835 2 дня назад +1

      Hi Kelly! I was only visiting in DFW. I actually live in Statesville, so I immediately drove up, but all the items I seen in this video were already sold. However, I did find 2 Ginger jars which I have been searching for so, it was worth it. Looking forward to next weeks hidden treasures and video from you!

  • @shirleyarmour5156
    @shirleyarmour5156 5 дней назад +1


  • @tzinanechumah
    @tzinanechumah 5 дней назад +1

  • @moann56
    @moann56 5 дней назад +1


  • @annettevertalino9273
    @annettevertalino9273 5 дней назад +3

    just curious, Kelly. You said you were glad we don't wear pantyhose anymore. I was not aware.....I still do when dressing up.

    • @cassandrasmith2727
      @cassandrasmith2727 5 дней назад

      I stopped wearing them years ago. It’s really just a personal preference. It’s no longer required. 😊

  • @sarahandrado8676
    @sarahandrado8676 5 дней назад +3

    They sure did make beautiful dishes 124 years ago.

  • @Curiousandagilemind0791
    @Curiousandagilemind0791 5 дней назад +1

    It tickles me every time you mention your "secret papers".

  • @tinaranson6172
    @tinaranson6172 5 дней назад +1

    I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!

  • @debby891
    @debby891 5 дней назад +1

    Wow, what a fun trip! I can’t even pick a favorite today, there are several🤎🤎🤎