Time Managment Skills - How to Manage Your Time Effectively

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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    Qasim Ali Shah is not just a Motivational Speaker but an enthusiastic doer. He followed his passions and proved his self a Successful Entrepreneur, Inspiring Teacher, Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist and a Transformational Trainer.
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Комментарии • 735

  • @zynubkhan2942
    @zynubkhan2942 3 года назад +420

    Me and my family watch this vedio in 180 mins and after every ten mins we stop the vedio and discuss the points we enjoy the vedio You are the best Sir in the world

  • @HamzaShahzadEB_
    @HamzaShahzadEB_ 3 года назад +80

    Time Management:
    1: your time is in your control.
    2: Value and respect your time.
    3: Discover and highlight your priorities.
    4: Learn to say NO ( to internal and external distraction).
    5: Eat that frog ( do the difficult taste 1st to decrease the stress level) ( first thing first).
    6: kick out time wasters from your life.
    I.e: Social apps, movies, series, songs, roaming around, friends, laziness, habits etc.
    7: Apply 80/20 principle ( find out 20% of task that produces 80% of the productivity and find out 80% of task that decrease the 20% productivity).
    8: Start your day early ( prime time).
    9: Take benefits from your prime time.

  • @monafancy97
    @monafancy97 2 года назад +8

    Mara dil karta h k main jb b free hn main sha saheb ko suno
    Ap ko Allah na janty dyni hn
    InshAllah dakhna ap boht kamal k inshan hn
    Muj ap sy milny k boht shok h
    Lakeen muj pata h k main ap ko mil nahi sakti
    Isi ly dua karti hn k ap ki izat yhuhi kaem kary
    Ameen ameen ameen

  • @NawazKhan-ve2vb
    @NawazKhan-ve2vb 3 года назад +31

    محترم شاہ صاحب ! آپ کی طرف سے مہیا کردہ motivation اور inspiration سے بےشمار باشعور لوگوں نے اپنی زندگیوں کو تبدیل کر کے شاندار کامیابیاں حاصل کی ھیں اور حاصل کر رہے ہیں ۔
    اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کو دنیا اور آخرت میں اجر عظیم عطا فرمائیں ۔ آمین

    • @belovedpakistan7364
      @belovedpakistan7364 3 года назад +1

      اللہ تعالی آپ کو آپ کی سوشل خدمت کے بدلے اجر عظیم عطا کرے آمین

    • @WajidKhan-he1gd
      @WajidKhan-he1gd Месяц назад

      جزاک اللہ خیر

  • @amtulraja5324
    @amtulraja5324 3 года назад +6

    بہت اچھا لیکچر ھے یہ کاش یہ سکولوں میں نصاب میں شامل کریں مدرسوں میں شامل کریں دفاتر میں ہر جگہ بلکہ بچپن سے بچوں کو سکھایا جائے
    بہترین لیکچر ھے اور بہت ضرورت ھے اسے سیکھنے کی

  • @cheffoodsecrets2084
    @cheffoodsecrets2084 3 года назад +15

    ماشاءاللہ اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کو ہمیشہ سلامت رکھے آمین

  • @asmaahmad3160
    @asmaahmad3160 3 года назад +4

    اللہ تعالی آ پ کو صحت و ہمت دے اور اسی طرح مخلوق کی رہنمائی کرتے رہیں

  • @emeye92
    @emeye92 3 года назад +71

    Value and respect your time
    Discover your priority and Learn to say NO! (to internal and external distractions)
    Control your thoughts
    Eat the frog first/ First things first
    Avoid and block timewasting objects (people/ activities) i.e Mobile/ TV/ Activities that are not productive
    80/20 Rule
    Start your day early

  • @hasanbhai8158
    @hasanbhai8158 3 года назад +3

    اسلام علیکم محترم جناب قاسم علی شاہ صاحب آپ تو اپنی ہر نشست میں کمال کرتے ہیں اللہ کریم آپ کو ھمیشہ اپنے کرم سے نوازیں آمین 👍😄

  • @sanaiqbal459
    @sanaiqbal459 3 года назад +48

    May Allah bless you with more health and success Ameen. Thank You for kind motivation .

  • @ConnectHappiness
    @ConnectHappiness 2 года назад +25


  • @adorerooms2329
    @adorerooms2329 2 года назад +4

    Oh oh oh oh Golden words by Qasim Ali Shah..... 43 minutes video changed my daily livings... so impressed by every single word

  • @islamicvideos5051
    @islamicvideos5051 2 года назад +2

    اسلام علیکم!
    اللٰله آپکو اچھی صحت دے اور آپکی هر خواهش پوری کریں ۔آمین😍

    @BCCDAILYPAK 3 года назад +4

    Ya ALLAH har insan kamyab ho har insan ko sehat izat Dolat or beshumar mohabatain ata farna Ameen.

  • @abdulmajeedpatwari7220
    @abdulmajeedpatwari7220 2 года назад +2

    اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کو سلامت تا قیامت رکھے آمین ثم آمین یا رب العالمین

  • @72samanshaikh30
    @72samanshaikh30 3 года назад +16

    This is the best video I have ever watched on time management ☺️
    Lots of love and respect for Sir from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  • @abidcarecarcare1046
    @abidcarecarcare1046 2 года назад +2

    اللہ پاک آپ کو لمبی عمر اور اچھی صحت عطا فرمائے۔آمین

  • @imtiazalirind88
    @imtiazalirind88 3 года назад +30

    ماشاء اللہ بہت خوب استاذ محترم قبلہ سر سید قاسم علی شاہ صاحب کمال کی مثال بادشاہ اور فقیر والی 💐❤️👍

    • @junaidsukhera7802
      @junaidsukhera7802 3 года назад

      watching tv mobile waisting time with roaming with friends without any purpose siting idol in home window shoping🤠👍

  • @annieyounus9320
    @annieyounus9320 3 года назад +28

    God bless you. Mr.Qasim Ali Shah! Your speeches are so helpful and beneficial for us. May you live long. Thanks for your contribution and hard work.

  • @saritasharma9828
    @saritasharma9828 3 года назад +16

    Sir,I am from India. For the past 4 yrs, I am listening your videos.your words are so simple & Powerful that it directly activate the brain.i have read many books that you name in your speech.this has changed me positively.i am mother of two boys.i wish I could teach time management to them.
    Thank you

    • @rukhsanakouser9715
      @rukhsanakouser9715 3 года назад

      Health Kee bhee qaddar krni chahie, health bhee wapas nahi laee jaa sagti ha

    • @rukhsanakouser9715
      @rukhsanakouser9715 3 года назад

      Sir aap ko hairat ho gee k I m female 50 of age, I m simply graduate, or kuch arsa job Kee ha, but main qassam khaa sagti hoon k main nay kabhi wakt zaya nahi Kia, so much so k mujhay apnay siblings and apni mother Jin Kee death ho chukki ha unsay bye milnay kaa kabhi time nahi Milla, but overall I m a failure in life, main nay kuch khaas nahi Kia life main, or aaj bhot rotti hoon k main nay kuch nahi Kia or na hee rishton ko time dia,, please mujhay koi tassali bakhsh reply krain kiss say mujhay saloon mill jayay..bhot regrets han k Apno ko bhee time nahi dia or kuch khaas kaam bhe nahi dias ..

    • @highermathematics-bx4mi
      @highermathematics-bx4mi 3 года назад

      @@rukhsanakouser9715 Assalam-o-alaikum
      AP ko apny Allah sy rabta karna chahiye
      Her cheez wo theak kary ga
      Ap darood ibrahim kasrat sy para kary
      Her cheez life ki theak ho jaye ge
      Kuch agy karny ka soochy ap
      Kuch asa jo dosro ko faida dy
      AP boht achy insaan han but thore galte hoe ho gi ap sy wo Allah ap ki galte bi theak kar dy ga
      Apny AP per believe kary ap or dosra apny Allah per believe rakhy
      AP ko himt karni ha
      Astagfar kary kasrat sy
      Everything will be fine In Shaa Allah
      Apny Allah sy taluq mazbot kary ap

    • @ہمہیںتوحیدوالےالحمدللّٰه
      @ہمہیںتوحیدوالےالحمدللّٰه 2 года назад

      Ji bilkul

  • @sajjadhussain3736
    @sajjadhussain3736 3 года назад +5

    Sir proud of you for leading young generation on right path way Allah ap ko dunya k shar say bchy

  • @Muftatif-s2u
    @Muftatif-s2u 2 года назад +2

    کمال کی باتیں ہیں۔اللہ تعالی قاسم علی شاہ صاحب کی زندگی اور صحت میں برکت دے۔آمین

  • @eshamehmood9811
    @eshamehmood9811 3 года назад +10

    اللہ تعالیٰ ہمیں صحت اور ہوش و حواسِ میں وقت کی قدر کی توفیق عطا فرمائے آمین👍💖

  • @Konkanikhanakhazana
    @Konkanikhanakhazana 2 года назад +3

    You are the greatest blessing of Allah to all mankind, you are a thinker... I have been watching your videos for many years and whatever info I got from you I am trying to implement it in my life . Love from India

  • @JamalKhan-yk4re
    @JamalKhan-yk4re 2 года назад +4

    I like your lectures and listen it from time to time. If people in the Cities of Pakistan start their day early like 8 O'clock. The load shading can be controlled in few months. It can be used in summer to go to market early like 10 O'clock. The shopkeepers and businesses wait for customers and clients to come. When customers come early the shopkeepers open the shop early. Only this change can make a BIG difference in Pakistan.

  • @memoonakidiary4131
    @memoonakidiary4131 3 года назад +2

    AOA sir ap k lectures ki wajha se mujhe zindgi mein agay barrne ka hunar mila hai Alhamdulillah aj meri company mein meri izzat bi hai

  • @nour96128
    @nour96128 3 года назад +18

    ❤️ Thankyou Sir giving us amazing and useful lecture may Allah swt give us strength to follow these steps to elevate ourselves .May Allah bless you and your team family members as well 😇

  • @rehmanmalik7055
    @rehmanmalik7055 10 месяцев назад +2

    الحمدللہ ، آپ جیسے لوگ ہماری قوم کا سرمایہ ہیں ۔ اللّٰہ تعالیٰ آپ کو ہر غم و فکر سے محفوظ رکھے ۔ اللّٰہ تعالیٰ آپ کو صحت وتندرستی والی زندگی عطا فرمائے ۔ آمین یارب العالمین

  • @maheboobpathan3931
    @maheboobpathan3931 3 года назад +4

    Jisne waqat ki ki qadar ki us ne jindgi ki qadar ki , 100% sach hai aur rahega

  • @-tv9qb
    @-tv9qb 2 года назад +4

    The place after death will be same for king and beggar which is grave Sir your lectures made me relax and keep us near to Allah.May Allah give you healthiest and longer life.

  • @ghazalaamjad1912
    @ghazalaamjad1912 3 года назад +8

    You have become a very important motivational speaker now not only in Pakistan but round the globe 🌎 mashalla.
    Keep it up
    Stay blessed always

  • @kuljitgrewal4362
    @kuljitgrewal4362 3 года назад +12

    Great session. Very useful.
    God bless you sir. This is a great service for mankind.

  • @Ayesha..909
    @Ayesha..909 3 года назад +2

    آپکے لیکچر سن کر میں نے بہت کچھ سیکھا ہے ❤انشااللہ آگے بھی سیکھتی رہونگی❤

  • @UrduVersity-by-Asim
    @UrduVersity-by-Asim 3 года назад +59

    1 Give values to your time
    2 Respect your time
    3 Learn to say NO
    4 "Eat that frog"
    5 Out time waster from your life
    6 Take work from your prime time
    7...80/20 rule

  • @kaamkatv
    @kaamkatv 3 года назад +1

    Masha Allah...Very nice and beautiful video....Stay blessed and stay connected

  • @iqbalahmed6699
    @iqbalahmed6699 3 года назад +11

    Assalam alaikum
    MashaAllah. The method of expressing is totally good using very simple language and examples.
    May Allah keep you in good health with peaceful mind for the benefit to change the life of others- Aameen

  • @abdullahrana6687
    @abdullahrana6687 3 года назад +1

    If u want to fly listen Qasim Ali shah....by God u will feel that u r flying during his lecture....
    U r great sir g...hmaary pakistan ki jaan and shaan Qasim Ali shah sir..May Allah paak bless u..hmen b aap jesa bn ny ki khwahish he..Allah poori kry dua kijye gaa

  • @hifzasaleem9170
    @hifzasaleem9170 3 года назад +8

    Qasim Ali is the best motivational speaker i have ever come across.! I really inspired from you! I wish i can ever get a chance to attend your live session..

  • @asmafarooq7925
    @asmafarooq7925 3 года назад +1

    Allah Kareem aapko mazeed barkat wali taweel zindagi ata frmaye.dunia o akhrat ki bhalaian bhe ata frmaye.aamin

  • @binte7807
    @binte7807 2 года назад +1

    Zabardast and valuable video, very informative video God bless you and protect you always

  • @renukhan2185
    @renukhan2185 2 года назад

    Qasim Ali sahab aapki sabse achchi baat to ye hai ki aap ALLAH PAAK , Kuran or hadees ka jikar jaroor karte hai isse bohat sukoon milta hai .

  • @princessanam4999
    @princessanam4999 Месяц назад

    Huge huge respect n love for u sir ...whenever I am anxious or depressed I hear u n that's my medicine alhumdulillah..may bless u always

  • @hinasheraz
    @hinasheraz 3 года назад +11

    Assalamalikum ماشاءاللہ
    stay blessed 👍

  • @SaladHouseOfficial
    @SaladHouseOfficial Год назад

    ماشاءاللہ اپ ایسی ایسی باتیں کرتے ہیں دل پہ اثر کرتی ہیں اور ماشاءاللہ بہت بہت ہمیں اپ سے سیکھنے کو ملتا ہے اللہ تعالی اپ کو زندگی دے تندرستی دے اور ڈھیر ساری خوشیاں عطا فرمائے

  • @nimrahassan7988
    @nimrahassan7988 2 года назад

    Is lecture ko sunnay k baad Mai yeh keh sakti hun k Maine apna 1hour sahi jagah isteymaal Kiya hai and that's the beginning from now!! Jaa Zak Allah Sir.

  • @saqibasad10
    @saqibasad10 2 года назад

    الحمدللہ ثم الحمدللہ سر آپ کا آج کا لیکچر سن کر جب میں نے اپنا موازنہ اپنے ساتھ پڑھنے والے یا جو آج سے دس سال پہلے تک میرے کولیگز تھے ان سے کیا تو ایمانداری سے میرا دل تشکر سے بھر گیا میرا آج میرے کل سے ہر لحاظ سے بہتر ہے

  • @nuzhatnaveed9707
    @nuzhatnaveed9707 3 года назад +19

    Excellent l think Your speach should be taught in every school

  • @ruhikhan6342
    @ruhikhan6342 2 года назад

    Me bahut byan or takreer sunti hu,but aapki baten dil pr jyada asr krti hai der tk,aapki bate ek achha insan bnna sikhati hai thanks sir

  • @AsadUllahAhmad
    @AsadUllahAhmad 3 года назад +19

    Life-changing session. Thank you so much Sir Qasim

  • @ranarumanmwat2375
    @ranarumanmwat2375 3 года назад +2

    You are the best sir in the world Allah pak app ko shat wali zandgi day .

  • @nabeelahmadwainsjutt7293
    @nabeelahmadwainsjutt7293 3 года назад +13

    So soulful motivational words are the most important ✨ 💯

  • @khurrammaliktechnologyeval4733
    @khurrammaliktechnologyeval4733 2 года назад +1

    Keep Shining Qasim Shah Foundation 🇵🇰❤

  • @ambreensohail7063
    @ambreensohail7063 2 года назад

    Allah taala maqsad e zindagi ka maqsad sab ko samajh main aajay or sir qasim jesy qabil sir hr field main ho to hr insan kamyab hojy

  • @naheedarshad9883
    @naheedarshad9883 2 года назад +1

    JazakAllah khair for awesome tips
    Allah swt bless you more in life and wisdom Aameen

  • @legend972-1
    @legend972-1 9 месяцев назад

    Inshallah me waqt ki qadr kron ga Qasim sir love you

  • @academiaofscientificknowle9645
    @academiaofscientificknowle9645 3 года назад +3

    Sir, ma sha Allah, a wonderful video. May Allah bless you with high rewards, ameen

  • @healthyfood2382
    @healthyfood2382 3 года назад +2

    I'm trying to say no to time wasting activities,and really getting good results

  • @islamicvideos5051
    @islamicvideos5051 2 года назад +1

    God peace be upon you!
    Sir, I have seen a lot of your videos, listened to your words and learned a lot and I pray for you from the bottom of my heart.
    Always be happy be happy

  • @ahmedayazayaz8837
    @ahmedayazayaz8837 3 года назад +8

    Life changing lecture....Allah bless you sir

  • @najeebrehman0088
    @najeebrehman0088 3 года назад +3

    A leader has came and is Qasim Ali Shah

  • @Ranaazaan78666
    @Ranaazaan78666 3 года назад +10

    Allah talah hum sabko qamayab kry ameen

  • @basharatkhan7290
    @basharatkhan7290 3 года назад +5

    Allah blesses you. you are really enlightening us.

  • @hafizirshad7403
    @hafizirshad7403 3 года назад +1

    Ma sha Allah Buhat Umda Lecture..👍👍👍👍

  • @jahanarachaudhry4159
    @jahanarachaudhry4159 2 года назад +1

    Aasalam o alikum Sir.Your speeches are very inspiring and motivate people.Sir you are great positive thinker.Allah Tala aap ko khush rakhay.Aameen.

  • @muhmmadshah7725
    @muhmmadshah7725 3 года назад

    Mere husband bht sunte hain apko. Unho ne muje b sunne ko kaha. But m ne socha k m house wife hn 1 hi trha k roz k kam hain.. lekin jb m ne sunna start keya tb se meri life change hona start ho gai bht kuch seekha or amal b krti hn koshish b krti hn.. 🙏

  • @saimamunir7458
    @saimamunir7458 3 года назад +8

    The best aspect of our life that we should respect time in our lives.👍👍👍👍👍 🥰🥰🥰

  • @normasamuel4015
    @normasamuel4015 3 года назад +4

    Beautiful message..You gave us imp points for life.Always stay safe healthy happy n blessed 🙏👍

  • @sidramuntah3925
    @sidramuntah3925 2 года назад +2

    you are my inspirational sir.

  • @rizwanyousaf9791
    @rizwanyousaf9791 3 года назад +1

    It means you belong from a very intaigent and carefull family.
    Allah bless on you and. our Teacher Qasim Ali Shah Saheb❤❤

  • @beenishkhan5276
    @beenishkhan5276 3 года назад +1

    Pakistani logon k leye aik bari blessing Qasim Allah Shah sir b hain … we should be thankful to Allah for this blessing upon us 🙏

  • @ZareenKhalid-gg3jn
    @ZareenKhalid-gg3jn 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for the lovely environment you give while talking to so many people god bless you and bless you all the good feelings. He has given you and you are contributing so much to the people of Pakistan with your valuable feelings and knowledge .

  • @ayazhussain356
    @ayazhussain356 3 года назад +7

    MashaAllah Sir! brilliantly explained, really helpful!

  • @fadilah4865
    @fadilah4865 3 года назад +6

    Asslam o allai8kum.
    May Allah blessed u and ur family, Ameeeen.

  • @humatalib8277
    @humatalib8277 2 года назад +1

    I experienced sir but 10 years lag gaye sehty sehty But Allah Always with me i feel 😊🙂🙂🙂😇😇😇😇

  • @rhk231
    @rhk231 2 года назад +1

    Mashallah!!! Very informative. Allah bless you Sir.

  • @aminamalikforkids.9578
    @aminamalikforkids.9578 2 года назад

    sir you r very gret Allah ap ko sehat or eman wali zendgi dy ap ko sun k meri life cheng ho gi hy ap mery techar hy or rahen gy ap mery bachun k be techar hun gy in shah Allah

  • @dr.yasirhussainsattialkhairy
    @dr.yasirhussainsattialkhairy 3 года назад +1

    اللہ پاک قاسم علی شاہ صاحب کو حاسدین کے شر سے محفوظ رکھے

  • @doa9224
    @doa9224 3 года назад

    اللہ آپ کو جنت ا لفردوس میں مقام عطا فرماے۔آمین۔

  • @ghousdildar6583
    @ghousdildar6583 3 года назад +1

    Ma hmesha pehlay vo kaam krta tha jo sb say easy hota tha lakin ab ma smj gya ho k
    "Os kaam ko pehlay krna ha jo moshkil ho" yes i got this point yeh..

  • @collegefriends9729
    @collegefriends9729 2 года назад +1

    Great ❤️❤️❤️ ap Deen aur dunya dono de Rahe ho lesson me

  • @eidhussain9624
    @eidhussain9624 3 года назад +3

    Full of wisdom ..always feel the difference after watching Shah sb the great mentor vidoes.

  • @afrozsiddiqui2333
    @afrozsiddiqui2333 2 года назад +2

    I am really thankful to hear this message Ya Allah aap ko jannat Naseeb Ho

  • @abdulqaiyum4531
    @abdulqaiyum4531 3 года назад +4

    Excellent motivator..Excellent Teacher .

  • @hamdanbaloch7491
    @hamdanbaloch7491 3 года назад +4

    MaaShaALLAH ... Inspirative Speech ❤️❤️❤️
    Got too much point’s 💯💯💯

  • @jahanarachaudhry4159
    @jahanarachaudhry4159 2 года назад +1

    Aasalam o alikum Sir.Sir you lectures are too good and it is really helpful.Sir you motivate people and your positive thinking inspire may a lot. Jazakallah Sir.

  • @tariqawan5279
    @tariqawan5279 Год назад

    Wah Shah G! May Allah bless you. Ameen.

  • @jahanpraveen632
    @jahanpraveen632 3 года назад +5

    Zazak allah, maza aa gya☺
    Hm pure josh me h, In'sha Allah time Manage kr lenge😎

  • @ammarbasharat
    @ammarbasharat 3 года назад +9

    Value your time
    Learn to say no
    Respect your time (be sad when you waste time)

  • @ShahidMirza99
    @ShahidMirza99 2 года назад

    Allah ap ko slamat rakhay Shah Gee, respect you.

  • @faizanhaider9587
    @faizanhaider9587 3 года назад +8

    Sir ALLAH ap k ilm o amal me barkate dain.

  • @zainzakariya1186
    @zainzakariya1186 3 года назад +1

    Jazak Allah khair sir.... Apne bht badi Nasihat ki hame.

  • @starzarin
    @starzarin 3 года назад +2

    اللہ سلامت رکھے۔۔۔۔۔

  • @Zarrikhann
    @Zarrikhann 2 месяца назад

    Is video ki sab se achi baat ye he k dunia Dari k sath sir rohaniayt bhi sikha gaye hen

  • @0495
    @0495 Год назад

    My best teacher in my life Qasim Ali shah sahib ❤️

  • @Dilemuslim6191
    @Dilemuslim6191 2 года назад

    Mashallah Zabardast sharing 👍

  • @reshmamemon2045
    @reshmamemon2045 3 года назад +3

    Jazakallahu khair khairan kaseera

  • @ushgrammar1603
    @ushgrammar1603 3 года назад

    آپ کے لئے ڈھیروں دعائیں

  • @snobberjksnobber5089
    @snobberjksnobber5089 2 года назад

    sooch badle gi pakistan badley ga ore mera ye manna hai sooch badley gi hr insan badley ga, proudly indian and listening you.

  • @enayasidd8613
    @enayasidd8613 3 года назад +1

    اندازِ بیان کمال ہےsir

  • @atherjafri3396
    @atherjafri3396 3 года назад +3

    Qasim bhai atay hi ais liy like kr dita hon k mujay pata hay k ap positive hain : ) ❤️